To reproduce:
1) Start two durable subscriptions using the openwire swissarmy examples:
ant consumer -Dtopic=true -Ddurable=true -Dsubject=test -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Dmax 500000
ant consumer -Dtopic=true -Ddurable=true -Dsubject=test -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -DclientId=c2
2) Start a producer using the following command:
ant producer -Dtopic=true -Ddurable=true -Dsubject=test -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Dmax=500000
3) Kill one of the durable topic subscribers and let the test run
4) the broker will go OOM
The cache for the offline durable sub is not recording is cached messages against system memory usage as it should. Hence the limits are not hit.
Issue Links
- breaks
AMQ-6094 Memory Leak with abnormal disconnecting consumers
- Resolved