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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-5403

remove extra expiration and timestamp manipulaton which will cause problems



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 5.11.0
    • AMQP
    • None


      Once the incoming AMQP message has been converted to a JMS message, there may be some further manipulation performed on the expiration and timestamp in AmqpProtocolConverter:

        // Lets handle the case where the expiration was set, but the timestamp
        // was not set by the client. Lets assign the timestamp now, and adjust
        // the expiration.
        if (message.getExpiration() != 0) {
            if (message.getTimestamp() == 0) {
            message.setExpiration(message.getTimestamp() + message.getExpiration());

      This was added in AMQ-5002 as a workaround for a problem in some old message conversation code contributed to 'proton-jms', where the JMSExpiration value was being set to the TTL value from the AMQP message when these actually have different semantics and values. That defect was since resolved via PROTON-474 for inclusion in Proton 0.8. Now that AMQ-5346 is underway, that means we are using the updated proton-jms code and the workaround must be removed otherwise it causes various issues itself:

      • It may set a timestamp value where none existed, which could lead to addition of a creation-time field on outbound AMQP messages, whereas the Properties section of the AMQP message is meant to be immutable.
      • When setting JMSExpiration to 'new timestamp + old expiration', if the expiration was actually based on the absolute-expiry-time field of the incoming AMQP message then the new JMSExpiration value will be incorrect, much higher than actually requested and preventing the messages from expiring for years longer.


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              tabish Timothy A. Bish
              robbie Robbie Gemmell
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

