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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-5077

Improve performance of composite topic fanout and persistent asyncSend

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.9.0
    • 5.10.0
    • Message Store
    • None
    • 5.9.0.redhat-610343


      We have publishers publishing to a topic which has 5 topic -> queue routings, and gets a max message rate attainable of ~833 messages/sec, with each message around 5k in size.

      To test this i set up a JMS config with topic queues:

      Each topic has an increasing number of routings to queues, and a client is set up to subscribe to all the queues.

      Rough message rates:
      routings messages/sec
      0 2500
      1 1428
      2 2000
      3 1428
      4 1111
      5 833

      This occurs whether the broker config has producerFlowControl="false" set to true or false , and KahaDB disk synching is turned off. We also tried experimenting with concurrentStoreAndDispatch, but that didn't seem to help. LevelDB didn't give any notable performance improvement either.

      We also have asyncSend enabled on the producer, and have a requirement to use persistent messages. We have also experimented with sending messages in a transaction, but that hasn't really helped.

      It seems like producer throughput rate across all queue destinations, all connections and all publisher machines is limited by something on the broker, through a mechanism which is not producer flow control. I think the prime suspect is still contention on the index.

      We did some test with Yourkit profiler.
      Profiler was attached to broker at startup, allowed to run and then a topic publisher was started, routing to 5 queues.
      Profiler statistics were reset, the publisher allowed to run for 60 seconds, and then profiling snapshot was taken. During that time, ~9600 messages were logged as being sent for a rate of ~160/sec.
      This ties in roughly with the invocation counts recorded in the snapshot (i think) - ~43k calls.

      From what i can work out, in the snapshot (filtering everything but org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb),
      For the 60 second sample period,
      24.8 seconds elapsed in org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.KahaDbTransactionStore$1.removeAsyncMessage(ConnectionContext, MessageAck).
      18.3 seconds elapsed in org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.KahaDbTransactionStore$1.asyncAddQueueMessage(ConnectionContext, Message, boolean).

      From these, a further large portion of the time is spent inside MessageDatabase:

      org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.MessageDatabase.process(KahaRemoveMessageCommand, Location) - 10 secs elapsed
      org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.MessageDatabase.process(KahaAddMessageCommand, Location) - 8.5 secs elapsed.

      As both of these lock on indexLock.writeLock(), and both take place on the NIO transport threads, i think this accounts for at least some of the message throughput limits. As messages are added and removed from the index one by one, regardless of sync type settings, this adds a fair amount of overhead.

      While we're not synchronising on writes to disk, we are performing work on the NIO worker thread which can block on locks, and could account for the behaviour we've seen client side.

      To Reproduce:

      1. Install a broker and use the attached configuration.

      2. Use the 5.8.0 example ant script to consume from the queues, TopicQueueRouted.1 - 5. eg:

      ant consumer -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dsubject=TopicQueueRouted.1 -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Dmax=-1

      3. Use the modified version of 5.8.0 example ant script (attached) to send messages to topics, TopicRouted.1 - 5, eg:

      ant producer -Durl='tcp://localhost:61616?jms.useAsyncSend=true&wireFormat.tightEncodingEnabled=false&keepAlive=true&wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration=60000&socketBufferSize=32768' -Dsubject=TopicRouted.1 -Duser=admin -Dpassword=admin -Dmax=1 -Dtopic=true -DsleepTime=0 -Dmax=10000 -DmessageSize=5000

      This modified version of the script prints the number of messages per second and prints it to the console.


        1. compDesPerf.tar.gz
          29 kB
          Jason Shepherd
        2. Test combinations.xlsx
          14 kB
          Richard Wagg
        3. topicRouting.zip
          3 kB
          Richard Wagg


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            gtully Gary Tully
            jshepher Jason Shepherd
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