[10:58:42] <davsclaus> gtully on last amq from ASF i see this when starting the standalone broker
[10:58:43] <davsclaus> INFO | Usage(default:memory:topic://ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker:memory) limit=720332416 should be smaller than its parent limit=720332390
[10:58:54] <davsclaus> i guess its the recent 70% heap memory stuff
[10:59:11] <davsclaus> just wonder if everyone will see this, and if we can make the message more friendly?
[11:28:06] <rajdavies> davsclaus - why is the destination memory limit so high for an advisory ?
[11:29:23] <davsclaus> rajdavies not sure - gtully changed the default settings yesterday instead of fixed 64mb limit etc
[11:29:31] <davsclaus> it was 70% heap memory based instead
[11:30:03] <dejanb> rajdavies: and per destination limit is removed … so I guess we have some bug in there
[11:30:06] <davsclaus>
[11:30:39] <rajdavies> davsclaus - ok - looks like a bug then