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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-4310

Add composite persistence adapter to support multiple storages for different destinations


    • New Feature
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.x
    • 5.9.0
    • Message Store
    • None


      Supposing we need the queue A to give us the best performance and it's acceptable for low chance of losing messages while the other queue B provides the most reliable message delivery and it's better it's store has no single-point failure.
      If we can assign the store of the queue A to kahadb while for the queue B is jdbc(database cluster) it's easy to solve this problem.
      In other words,different destinations can assign different store to meet different requirements.



          gtully Gary Tully added a comment -

          moving to future - not trivial bit of work to generalize mKahaDB but would be a nice feature.

          gtully Gary Tully added a comment - moving to future - not trivial bit of work to generalize mKahaDB but would be a nice feature.

          mKahaDB has now been generalized to support different nested store types. Currently only KahaDB is supported but LevelDB will be supported shortly too.

          chirino Hiram R. Chirino added a comment - mKahaDB has now been generalized to support different nested store types. Currently only KahaDB is supported but LevelDB will be supported shortly too.

          Issue AMQ-4744 will track adding support for nested LevelDB store in mKahaDB

          chirino Hiram R. Chirino added a comment - Issue AMQ-4744 will track adding support for nested LevelDB store in mKahaDB


            chirino Hiram R. Chirino
            wangyin SuoNayi
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

