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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-3991

Output version number in started log line to be consistent



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Trivial
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.6.0
    • 5.7.0
    • Broker
    • None


      AMQ logs when its starting, and later when it has started. Only the 1st log line has the version number. It would be good to have the version number in the 2nd line as well.

      [                          main] BrokerService                  INFO  ActiveMQ 5.6.0 JMS Message Broker (mybroker) is starting
      [                          main] BrokerService                  INFO  For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org/
      [                 JMX connector] ManagementContext              INFO  JMX consoles can connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
      [                          main] TransportServerThreadSupport   INFO  Listening for connections at: tcp://
      [                          main] TransportConnector             INFO  Connector tcp://localhost:61616 Started
      [                          main] BrokerService                  INFO  ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (mybroker, ID:davsclaus.lan-54124-1345820752143-0:1) started

      And for stopping the broker the version number is no longer included. That would be good to have, to be consistent.

      [         ActiveMQ ShutdownHook] BrokerService                  INFO  ActiveMQ Message Broker (mybroker, ID:davsclaus.lan-54124-1345820752143-0:1) is shutting down
      [cp://localhost/] FailoverTransport              WARN  Transport (tcp:// failed, reason:  java.io.EOFException, attempting to automatically reconnect
      [cp://localhost/] FailoverTransport              WARN  Transport (tcp:// failed, reason:  java.io.EOFException, attempting to automatically reconnect
      [cp://localhost/] FailoverTransport              WARN  Transport (tcp:// failed, reason:  java.io.EOFException, attempting to automatically reconnect
      [cp://localhost/] FailoverTransport              WARN  Transport (tcp:// failed, reason:  java.io.EOFException, attempting to automatically reconnect
      [         ActiveMQ ShutdownHook] TransportConnector             INFO  Connector tcp://localhost:61616 Stopped
      [cp://localhost/] FailoverTransport              WARN  Transport (tcp:// failed, reason:  java.io.EOFException, attempting to automatically reconnect
      [         ActiveMQ ShutdownHook] BrokerService                  INFO  ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (mybroker, ID:davsclaus.lan-54124-1345820752143-0:1) stopped




            Unassigned Unassigned
            davsclaus Claus Ibsen
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