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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-3111

Negative Pending Message Count

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    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • 5.4.0
    • None
    • Broker
    • None
    • Windows XP, ActiveMQ 5.4.0


      When a queue connection redelivery policy's max redelivery time is set to -1, and the bad message which is failing constantly needs to be moved to exception queue manually (JMX JConsole, ActiveMQ WebConsole), then dequeue is accounted twice for the same message.

      Say at time T0 queue is empty
      queue has a registered listener
      T1 => message gets put on the queue => enqueue = 1, dequeue = 0, pending = 1
      T2 .. T3 .. T4..T5 this message is constantly failing because of some runtime exception

      Using ActiveMQ webconsole, we move this to exception queue...and have logic in the consumer to commit the session if this is a redelivered message that does not exist on the queue, Refer AMQ 3110


      at T6
      enqueue count = 1, dequeue count = 2, pending count = -1

      Attached is the unit test showing this issue.

      Please refer the log pasted below.


      0 [JMX connector] INFO org.mortbay.log - Logging to org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,036 INFO (BrokerService) - Using Persistence Adapter: MemoryPersistenceAdapter
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,036 INFO (ManagementContext) - JMX consoles can connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,036 INFO (BrokerService) - ActiveMQ 5.4.0 JMS Message Broker (localhost) is starting
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,036 INFO (BrokerService) - For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org/
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,317 INFO (SchedulerBroker) - Scheduler using directory: activemq-data\scheduler
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,364 INFO (BrokerService) - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (localhost, ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-0:0) started
      2011-01-03 16:49:17,411 INFO (TransportConnector) - Connector vm://localhost Started
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:17 CST 2011 : Number of messages in test.exception.queue = 1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:17 CST 2011 : Number of messages in test.queue = 1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:17 CST 2011 : test.queue : enqueue = 1, dequeue count = 0
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:17 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:18 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:18 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:19 CST 2011 : test.queue : enqueue = 1, dequeue count = 0
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:19 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:19 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:20 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:20 CST 2011 : Number of messages in test.queue after MOVE = 0
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:20 CST 2011 : Number of messages in test.exception.queue after MOVE = 2
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:20 CST 2011 : test.queue : enqueue = 1, dequeue count = 1
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:20 CST 2011 - Message received by consumer = ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-3:1:1:2:1
      numberOfTimeMessageWasReceived 7
      number of times message was received after moving 7
      Mon Jan 03 16:49:23 CST 2011 : Final test.queue : enqueue = 1, dequeue count = 2, pending message count = -1
      2011-01-03 16:49:23,739 INFO (BrokerService) - ActiveMQ Message Broker (localhost, ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-0:0) is shutting down
      2011-01-03 16:49:23,739 INFO (TransportConnector) - Connector vm://localhost Stopped
      2011-01-03 16:49:23,770 INFO (BrokerService) - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (localhost, ID:akuntamukkala-2412-1294094957083-0:0) stopped

      Please run the attached Junit test and see this issue. Since AMQ 3110 is still unresolved, the only way we could get rid of the bad message being redelivered despite having been moved to an exception queue was by checking the redelivery counter and if the message was still on the queue, if not, then we acknowledge the session so subsequent messages can be processed.

      Thank you,
      Ashwini Kuntamukkala


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