The pure master slave broker hangs when the storage limit is reached and dequeueing messages from the queue is not possible.
The behavior can be reproduced with a producer which sends messages to the master broker until the slave broker writes
"INFO | Usage Manager Store is Full. Stopping producer (ID:karkand-51292-1263305705067-0:0:1:1) to prevent flooding queue://TestQueue. See for more info"
this message to the console.
To reproduce the store is full message on the slave broker maybe 2 - 3 attempts are necessary otherwise
the messages appears on the console of the master broker.
Any attempts by a test consumer to dequeue messages fail, it just hangs.
The following information gather with JMX might be interesting:
MASTER: StorePercentUsage=99
SLAVE: StorePercentUsage=100
The attributes for the Queue are identical on both