Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
5.0.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0
Linux 2.6
JBoss 4.2.2.GA
default server directory
embedded broker with all defaults (empty broker element with useJmx="true")
Patch Available
After a number of messages are delivered, the following error is encountered, and the consumer stops consuming (with variable IDs) :
14:37:02,825 ERROR [RecoveryListenerAdapter] Message id ID:servername-01-48018-1201289318807-2:430:1:1:1 could not be recovered from the data store!
This can be reproduced by building the jar via ant from the included tar.gz with exploded rar and jms data source. In order to produce, deploy rar,jar, and data source, and post some large number (>100000 works for me reliably) as a text message to PostingQueue. and it will post that many object messages to the ReportLogMDBQueue, which will eventually produce the error.