Since it is mantory to use a provider URL like this:
In order to avoid the problem described on these issues AMQ-1146 and AMQ-1482 we are starting all our jvm with that maxInactivityDuration value.
But the problem that appears using this configuration is that when the InactivityMonitor is inactive every exception on the connection is not reported to the jms exception listener. So, it is not posible detecting the lost of the conection. Event if our ActiveMQ broker is dead, our clients are not notified.
We have compile the activemq source code using the pom you provide but using the branch activemq-4.1 (from the branches folder). As your development people has solve this problem in this branch patching the class InactivyMonitor, the version we generated is working properly. Even if we are using the maxInactivityDuraction with the zero value, the exception are reported in the proper way.
The actual issue is tha since Activemq 5.x is not supported by the last version of Geronimo AS 2.0.2 it should be needed an ActiveMQ 4.1 manteniance realese including at least the patch.
Please see
AMQ-1671, as it may be related.