Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
Today, the tez tarball is copied to HDFS only when HiveServer2 is installed, and when the Pig Service check runs.
Instead, this should happen whenever Tez is installed.
For a RU, the install of new bits should also copy the tarball to HDFS.
The original approach of just copying when Tez is installed doesn't work because at that time, HDFS may not be up, so copying the tarball would fail.
Instead, we need some sort of hook or script to be ran after all services has been started.
Since Pig already tries to upload the tez tarball when it runs its service check, we can have this script either after all services have started, or after all service checks have ran.
The original requirement was for the tez tarball to be present even if Hive or Pig are not installed, so we are ok with moving this to Ambari 2.1.0 and fixing it the right way.