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  1. Ambari
  2. AMBARI-21028

The credential cache for livy is messed up



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • trunk
    • trunk, 2.5.1
    • ambari-server
    • None


      This issue was reported by kbadani.

      Steps to reproduce this issue:

      • Kdestroy and kinit as 'livy' user
      • Do spark-submit with --proxy-user as 'hrt_1'
      • In the console output, you can see that 'ambari-qa' is trying to impersonate as 'hrt_1' and its failing
      • Cancel the running job and do klist again - it will show credentials for 'ambari-qa' user and not the 'livy' user with which it was kinited
      [livy@ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003 spark]$ kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/livy.service.keytab livy/ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003.hwx.site
      [livy@ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003 spark]$ klist
      Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1808
      Default principal: livy/ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003.hwx.site@EXAMPLE.COM
      Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
      05/02/2017 23:52:14  05/03/2017 23:52:14  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
      [livy@ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003 spark]$ spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master yarn-cluster --num-executors 3 --driver-memory 512m --executor-memory 512m --proxy-user hrt_1 --executor-cores 1 /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/lib/spark-examples- 10
      Multiple versions of Spark are installed but SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION is not set
      Spark1 will be picked by default
      17/05/02 23:53:10 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
      17/05/02 23:53:12 INFO AHSProxy: Connecting to Application History server at ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000004.hwx.site/
      17/05/02 23:53:12 INFO RequestHedgingRMFailoverProxyProvider: Looking for the active RM in [rm1, rm2]...
      17/05/02 23:53:12 WARN RequestHedgingRMFailoverProxyProvider: Invocation returned exception on [rm1] : org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: User: ambari-qa@EXAMPLE.COM is not allowed to impersonate hrt_1, so propagating back to caller.
      17/05/02 23:53:12 INFO RequestHedgingRMFailoverProxyProvider: Connection lost with rm1, trying to fail over.
      17/05/02 23:53:12 INFO RequestHedgingRMFailoverProxyProvider: Looking for the active RM in [rm1, rm2]...
      17/05/02 23:53:12 WARN RequestHedgingRMFailoverProxyProvider: Invocation returned exception on [rm1] : org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: User: ambari-qa@EXAMPLE.COM is not allowed to impersonate hrt_1, so propagating back to caller.
      17/05/02 23:53:12 INFO RetryInvocationHandler: org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: User: ambari-qa@EXAMPLE.COM is not allowed to impersonate hrt_1, while invoking $Proxy9.getClusterMetrics over Failover proxy for [rm1, rm2] after 1 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 10442ms.
      [livy@ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003 spark]$ klist
      Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1808
      Default principal: ambari-qa@EXAMPLE.COM
      Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
      05/02/2017 23:53:03  05/03/2017 23:53:03  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
      05/02/2017 23:53:03  05/03/2017 23:53:03  HTTP/ctr-e133-1493418528701-6489-01-000003.hwx.site@EXAMPLE.COM

      Root cause is:
      The livy smoke test launched by Ambari is run as livy user, but kinits as ambari-qa, and therefore messes up the credential cache for livy.


        1. AMBARI-21028_v0.patch
          2 kB
          Weiqing Yang
        2. AMBARI-21028_v1.patch
          2 kB
          Weiqing Yang
        3. AMBARI-21028_v2.patch
          2 kB
          Weiqing Yang

        Issue Links



              WeiqingYang Weiqing Yang
              WeiqingYang Weiqing Yang
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