Build used : ambari-
Test is updating the alert definition minimumValue to "0.0".
Payload used to update the minimumValue
/{ "AlertDefinition": { "cluster_name": "cl1", "id": 81, "name": "increase_nn_heap_usage_daily", "label": "NameNode Heap Usage (Daily)", "component_name": "NAMENODE", "description": "This service-level alert is triggered if the NameNode heap usage deviation has grown beyond the specified threshold within a day period.", "enabled": true, "ignore_host": false, "interval": 1, "scope": "ANY", "service_name": "HDFS", "source": { "parameters": [{ "name": "mergeHaMetrics", "display_name": "Whether active and stanby NameNodes metrics should be merged", "value": "false", "description": "Whether active and stanby NameNodes metrics should be merged.", "type": "STRING", "visibility": "HIDDEN" }, { "name": "interval", "display_name": "Time interval in minutes", "value": "1440.0", "description": "Time interval in minutes.", "type": "NUMERIC", "visibility": "HIDDEN" }, { "name": "appId", "display_name": "AMS application id", "value": "NAMENODE", "description": "The application id used to retrieve the metric.", "type": "STRING", "visibility": "HIDDEN" }, { "name": "metricName", "display_name": "Metric Name", "value": "jvm.JvmMetrics.MemHeapUsedM", "description": "The metric to monitor.", "type": "STRING", "visibility": "HIDDEN" }, { "name": "metric.deviation.warning.threshold", "display_name": "Growth Rate", "value": "20.0", "description": "The percentage of NameNode heap usage growth.", "type": "PERCENT" }, { "name": "metric.deviation.critical.threshold", "display_name": "Growth Rate", "value": "50.0", "description": "The percentage of NameNode heap usage growth.", "type": "PERCENT" }, { "name": "metric.units", "display_name": "Metric Units", "value": "MB", "description": "The units that the metric data points are reported in.", "type": "STRING", "visibility": "HIDDEN" }, { "name": "minimumValue", "display_name": "Minimum Heap", "value": "0.0", "description": "The minimum heap increase in a day.", "type": "NUMERIC" }], "path": "HDFS/", "type": "SCRIPT" } } }
Alert response :
03:14:20 AM 01-25-2017 AmbariItems FINE - API call response:{ "href" : "", "Alert" : { "cluster_name" : "cl1", "component_name" : "NAMENODE", "definition_id" : 81, "definition_name" : "increase_nn_heap_usage_daily", "firmness" : "HARD", "host_name" : "", "id" : 119, "instance" : null, "label" : "NameNode Heap Usage (Daily)", "latest_timestamp" : 1485314039820, "maintenance_state" : "OFF", "occurrences" : 13, "original_timestamp" : 1485313319818, "repeat_tolerance" : 1, "repeat_tolerance_remaining" : 0, "scope" : "ANY", "service_name" : "HDFS", "state" : "UNKNOWN", "text" : "argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable" } }
Note : Test used to pass consistently.
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