Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
With Blueprint deploy's, role command oder (RCO) is not honored.
Currently, in order to mitigate failure for a service start due to dependencies on other services, blueprint deploy uses retry mechanism to ensure that the services are started and their prerequisite are met.
However, retry mechanism in some cases can cause the install / start time to take long and might need additional logic on component specific installation to handle retries.
In order to provide with flexibility, we should put up a flag in blueprints which drive the required behavior. (Use RCO vs Use Retry)
Say: The flag name is use_rco (Change what seems better))
By default, the value of use_rco can be false and if someone wan't to override it they can specify it as true in the blueprint.
Note: Keeping it as false by default as it has been already there since Ambari 2.1.0. Hopefully, even if we set this to true by default, it should not impact customers except a few. But we can make this decision based on communities opinion.