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  1. Airavata
  2. AIRAVATA-798

[GSoC] Web based Workflow Composer for Airavata




      Apache Airavata users construct workflows by chaining together set of applications and web services resulting in a graphical representation of workflows. These workflows composed by drag and drop features build a abstract and high lever workflow languages.Currently Airavata XBaya services these needs and is implemented in Java Swing. Similarly XBaya was also implemented in Flex.

      This project focuses on developing a web based version of the workflow composition and monitoring interface similar in functionality to XBaya. Currently XBaya WSDL operations and message type definition determines both the number of input/output parameters that the component has and the data type of each parameter. Messages are general XML and can have deeply-nested structures. However, XBaya treats the child elements of the root of a message as independent parameters. The type of each parameter can be any simple type (string, integer, etc.), array, or a complex type. The potential student can evaluate the use of WSDL and come up with alternatives.

      The student for this task has to be prepared to work extensively in java script to build the drag drop interface. WSDL knowledge will be preferred but not mandatory, that can be acquired.

      User community & Impact of the software: Airavata is a general purpose distributed systems software. It is used to build science gateways supporting research and education in chemistry, life sciences, biophysics, environmental sciences, geosciences astronomy and nuclear physics. The goal of airavata is to enhance productivity of these gateways to utilize cyberinfrastructure of resources (e.g., local lab resources, the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), the Open Science Grid (OSG), University Clusters, Academic and Commercial Computational Clouds like FutureGrid & Amazon EC2). By using open community based software components and services like Airavata, gateways will be able to focus on providing additional scientific capabilities and to expanding the number of supported users. The capabilities of these gateways will offer clear benefits to society.




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            smarru Suresh Marru
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