Status: Resolved
Resolution: Resolved
This improvement is based on the following Pull request :
*Improvements agreed upon :*
Followings are few suggestions to improve your pull request.
- We can do this in a better way by adding generic API method(to AiravataAPIServer) like "getAllCredentialSummary" instead of adding API method for each credential types eg: "getAllGatewaySSHPubKeysSummary" which will return all the credential summary for that particular gatewayId. You may be able to remove few redundant methods from Airavata API server.
- Let's introduced one credential summary struct to all credential types, how we differentiate is we have credential type enum field( SSH, PASSWD, CERT etc ) in the credential summary thrift struct.
- Move credential data model thrift file to data model directory and merge credential summary thrift file with it.
- Credential stubs still have date fields in generated thrift files, not because your changes, but we need to fix it so remove it.