Came across the following crash -
psql-11.5-5432-pgsql=# drop extension age cascade; create extension age; load 'age'; set search_path TO ag_catalog; ERROR: extension "age" does not exist CREATE EXTENSION LOAD SET psql-11.5-5432-pgsql=# SELECT create_graph('G'); NOTICE: graph "G" has been created create_graph -------------- (1 row) psql-11.5-5432-pgsql=# CREATE TABLE start_and_end_points (start_vertex agtype, end_vertex agtype); CREATE TABLE psql-11.5-5432-pgsql=# insert into start_and_end_points (SELECT * FROM cypher('G', $$CREATE (b)-[:knows]->(e) return b, e $$) AS (b agtype, e agtype)); server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed. !>