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  1. ACE
  2. ACE-592

how to use Apache ACE web UI to remotely manage OSGi bundles on many server devices.



    • Question
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.1.0
    • Deployment
    • None


      I'm trying to use Apache ACE web UI to remotely manage OSGi bundles on many server devices.

      I followed the documentations but I can't find out how to actually add a target to the server.

      My steps are as follows :

      1. Start the ACE server


      java -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8080 -Dorg.apache.ace.server=localhost:8080 -Dorg.apache.ace.obr=localhost:8080 -jar server-allinone.jar

      2. Start an ACE target

      java -Dagent.identification.agentid=target2 -Dagent.discovery.serverurls=http://localhost:8080 -jar ace-launcher.jar

      3.Provisioning software

      (1)Go to the ACE web-based UI, and click Retrieve in order to be sure that you have the latest version of the repository.
      If your target is up and running, it should be displayed in the "Targets" column with a name of target-1;

      (2) Add the artifacts you want to deploy. This can be done in two ways: either by dragging-and-dropping them
      directly onto the "Actifacts" column (a blue border or line should appear for the artifacts to be accepted).
      Alternatively, you can use the + button above the "Artifacts" column and using the "Upload" button
      in the dialog presented for each artifact you want to add;

      (3) Create a new feature by clicking on the + button above the Features column, give it a name and acknowledge the dialog;

      MY QUESTION: What is the rule of data fill ?

      (4) Create a distribution by clicking on the + button above the "Distributions" column, again give it a name
      and acknowledge the dialog;

      MY QUESTION: What is the rule of data fill ?

      (5) Next, you can create associations between your artifacts, features, distributions and targets:
      a. select one or more artifacts and drag them onto the feature you created.
      This will associate these artifacts to your feature;
      b. select your feature and drag it onto your distribution, creating an association between your feature
      and distribution;
      c. select your distribution and drag it onto your target to associate your distribution to your target.
      Verify your associations are correct by clicking your artifacts, features and distributions.
      Doing this should highlight the associations.

      (6) To persist the changes, you can use the Store button at the top of the screen;
      After a couple of seconds, the software is deployed onto the target.
      If you used the Felix demonstration application, you should be presented with a nice Swing UI.

      MY QUESTION: It doesn't work! Console does not prompt information !

      My other question is:

      (1) how to view a TARGET has been installed in the BUNDLE ?
      how to start/stop/uninstall a BUNDLE ?

      (2) how to integration with Apache Felix using Apache ACE Agent?

      Thank you very much for your reply.


        1. screenshot-1.png
          34 kB

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