In Accumulo 1.7.0, connecting to a minicluster started via "bin/accumulo minicluster" doesn't work. When connecting, it appears to ignore the ZK port supplied in the command and is attempting to listen to ZK on 2181.
For example:
accumulo-1.7.0 > bin/accumulo minicluster
Mini Accumulo Cluster
Directory: /var/folders/rv/44k88tps4ql0dc1f68ck4d2w0000gn/T/1437925819514-0
Logs: /var/folders/rv/44k88tps4ql0dc1f68ck4d2w0000gn/T/1437925819514-0/logs
Instance Name: miniInstance
Root Password: secret
ZooKeeper: localhost:56783
Shutdown Port: 4445
To connect with shell, use the following command :
accumulo shell -zh localhost:56783 -zi miniInstance -u root
Successfully started on Sun Jul 26 11:50:28 EDT 2015
From a new terminal:
accumulo-1.7.0 > accumulo shell -zh localhost:56783 -zi miniInstance -u root
Password: *******
…. 60 seconds later ….
2015-07-26 11:52:44,436 [tracer.ZooTraceClient] ERROR: Unabled to get destination tracer hosts
in ZooKeeper, will retry in 5000 milliseconds
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to connect to zookeeper (localhost:2181) within 2x zookeeper
timeout period 30000
at org.apache.accumulo.fate.zookeeper.ZooSession.connect(
Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
- version: 1.7.0
- instance name: miniInstance
- instance id: a371d4ac-8bc7-4a6a-865f-5f3c8e27fbe1
- - type 'help' for a list of available commands