Mike Fagan reported on the dev list:
./ -u cloud -p secret -z zk1:2181 -i DEV CloudStone1 Test the speed at which we can check that accumulo is up and we can reach all the slaves. Lower is better. ... ERROR ====================================================================== ERROR: Test the speed at which we can check that accumulo is up and we can reach all the slaves. Lower is better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "./cloudstone1/", line 35, in runTest accumulo('bin', 'accumulo')) File "/usr/lib/accumulo/test/system/bench/lib/", line 86, in runAll slaves = slaveNames() File "/usr/lib/accumulo/test/system/bench/lib/", line 27, in slaveNames return [s.strip() for s in open(accumuloConf('slaves'))] NameError: global name 'accumuloConf' is not defined ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 4.897s FAILED (errors=1) INFO:test.bench: CloudStone1: 4.90