The tika DWG reader is only pulling meta data from up to drawing format AC1024 (see code snippet) where it looks to be AC1027 & AC1032 can also be read from the same get2007and2010Props meta data extractor.
switch (version) { case "AC1015": metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, TYPE.toString()); if (skipTo2000PropertyInfoSection(stream, header)) { get2000Props(stream, metadata, xhtml); } break; case "AC1018": metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, TYPE.toString()); if (skipToPropertyInfoSection(stream, header)) { get2004Props(stream, metadata, xhtml); } break; case "AC1021": case "AC1024": metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, TYPE.toString()); if (skipToPropertyInfoSection(stream, header)) { get2007and2010Props(stream, metadata, xhtml); } break; default: throw new TikaException("Unsupported AutoCAD drawing version: " + version); }
Looks like the case statement just needs extending and for examples files to be created for AC1027/AC1032.
Current versions of auto cad can be found here: