Arctic dataset contains a MIME format called GRIB - General
Regularlydistributed information in Binary form . GRIB is a well known data format which is a concise data format used in meteorology to store historical and
weather data. There are 2 different types of the format GRIB 0, GRIB 2. The focus will be on GRIB 2 which is the most prevalent. Each GRIB record intended for either transmission or storage contains a single parameter with values located at an array of grid points, or represented as a set of spectral coefficients, for a single level (or layer), encoded as a continuous bit stream. Logical divisions of the record are designated as "sections", each of which provides control information and/or data. A GRIB record consists of six sections, two of which are optional:
(0) Indicator Section
(1) Product Definition Section (PDS)
(2) Grid Description Section (GDS) optional
(3) Bit Map Section (BMS) optional
(4) Binary Data Section (BDS)
(5) '7777' (ASCII Characters)