the only way a replica can removed is by unloading the core .There is no way to remove a replica that is down . So, the clusterstate will have unreferenced nodes if a few nodes go down over time
We need a cluster admin command to clean that up
The system would first see if the replica is active. If yes , a core UNLOAD command is fired , which would take care of deleting the replica from the clusterstate as well
if the state is inactive, then the core or node may be down , in that case the entry is removed from cluster state
Issue Links
- is depended upon by
SOLR-5311 Avoid registering replicas which are removed
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
SOLR-5131 Implement removeNode Collections API
- Closed
- is related to
SOLR-6422 DELETEREPLICA exposes an inconsistent param REPLICA_PROP
- Open
- relates to
SOLR-5312 Add a remove node collection admin command
- Resolved