When I create a core with Core admin handler using these request parameters:
in Solr 4.1, solr.xml would have the following entry:
<core schema="/etc/opt/dcx/solr/conf/schema.xml" loadOnStartup="true" instanceDir="/etc/opt/dcx/solr/" transient="false" name="core-tex69bbum21ctk1kq6lmkir-index3" config="/etc/opt/dcx/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml" dataDir="/var/opt/dcx/solr/core-tex69bbum21ctk1kq6lmkir-index3/" collection="core-tex69bbum21ctk1kq6lmkir-index3"/>
while in Solr 4.3 schema, config and dataDir will be missing:
<core loadOnStartup="true" instanceDir="/etc/opt/dcx/solr/" transient="false" name="core-tex69bbum21ctk1kq6lmkir-index3" collection="core-tex69bbum21ctk1kq6lmkir-index3"/>
The new core would use the settings specified during CREATE, but after a Solr restart they are lost (fall back to some defaults), as they are not persisted in solr.xml. I should add that solr.xml has persistent="true" in the root element.