attempting to input values containing "%" in the analysis UI causes errors.
Example of the bug, using the solr example configs...
1) load http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/analysis in a browser
2) select field type "text_general"
3) enter into either text box: {foo%bar
4) click the "Analyze Values" button.
- Window location is updated to be: http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/analysis?analysis.fieldvalue=foo%25bar&analysis.query=&analysis.fieldtype=text_general&verbose_output=1
- Note: "%" has been properly encoded in URL
- page does not display any analyis, and text areas are now empty (although text_general field type is still selected)
- web dev error console indicates...
Error: URIError: malformed URI sequence Source File: http://localhost:8983/solr/js/scripts/analysis.js Line: 132