I'm having a problem using distributed search in conjunction with the facet.offset parameter and lexical facet value sorting.
I have a facet with ~100k values in one index. I'm wanting to page through them alphabetically. When not using distributed search, everything works just fine, and very quick. A query like this works, returning 10 facet values starting at the 50,001st:
http://server:port/solr/select/?q=*:*&facet.field=subject_full_facet&facet=true&f.subject_full_facet.facet.limit=10&facet.sort=lex&facet.offset=50000 # Butterflies - Indiana !
However, if I enable distributed search, using a single shard (which is the same index), I get no facet values returned.
http://server:port/solr/select/?q=*:*&facet.field=subject_full_facet&facet=true&f.subject_full_facet.facet.limit=10&facet.sort=lex&facet.offset=50000&shards=server:port/solr # empty list :(
Doing a little more testing, I'm finding that with sharding I often get an empty list any time the facet.offset >= facet.limit. Also, by example, if I do facet.limit=100 and facet.offset=90, I get 10 facet values. Doing so without sharding, I get the expected 100 values (starting at what would normally be the 91st).
Here's a patch that fixes and a test that fails w/o the patch.