BlockCache uses two components: "storage", i.e. banks and "eviction mechanism", i.e cache, implemented by caffeine cache.
The relation between them is that "storage" enforces a strict limit for the number of entries (
numberOfBlocksPerBank * numberOfBanks) whereas the "eviction mechanism" takes care of freeing entries from the storage thanks to maximumSize set for the caffeine cache to numberOfBlocksPerBank * numberOfBanks - 1.
The storage relies on caffeine cache to eventually free at least 1 entry from the storage. If that doesn't happen the BlockCache starts to fail all new stores.
As it turns out, the caffeine cache may not reduce it's size to the desired maximumSize for as long as no put or getIfPresent which finds an entry is executed.
With a sufficiently unlucky read pattern, the block cache may be rendered useless (0 hit ratio):
cache poisoned by non-reusable entries; new, reusable entries are not stored and thus not reused.
Further info may be found in
Change in caffeine that triggers it's internal cleanup mechanism regardless of whether getIfPresent gets a hit has been implemented in
and is due to be released in caffeine 2.8.4