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  1. Solr
  2. SOLR-10290 New Publication Model for Solr Reference Guide
  3. SOLR-10728

fix/improve rat-sources and check-forbidden-api in solr-ref-guide



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • documentation
    • None


      via email from uwe...

      We have already a check for licenses by default enabled in all sub directories of the build. It's called "rat-sources"
      The problem with the rat-sources ant target is, that although it runs on the ref-guide subdirectory, it does not catch
      violations for several reasons:
      1. it does not yet look into all file types
      2. for some files, e.g. the java code, you are using a non-standard subdirectory of the project folder. To fix this, there are
      two options: a) move to src/.../java or tools like in other modules (by that they are also compiled automatically without extra
      compilation tasks in build.xml) or b) add the additional directories  to some special ANT property _before_ loading
        <!-- These patterns can be defined to add additional files for checks, relative to module's home dir -->
        <property name="rat.additional-includes" value=""/>
        <property name="rat.additional-excludes" value=""/>
      In the local build, you can configure the license checker by adding those lines fillesd out *before* including
      common-build.xml. If you open an issue, I can maybe take care of that this week (I am a bit busy). I'd also like to clean up
      the build directory, because it has some code duplication automatically handled by common-build.xml. In addition other checks
      are missing, too - because the non-standard folder names (e.g. forbidden-apis).




            uschindler Uwe Schindler
            hossman Chris M. Hostetter
            0 Vote for this issue
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