Radim Kolar pointed out on the solr-user mailing list that he was unable to build Solr on his FreeBSD machine due to the use of <script language="javascript"... /> tags in the ant build file, and the lack of javascript by default in his Java install. There was no clear indication that he should need anything else.
It seems like prior to releasing 4.0, we should do one of the following:
1) find a way to remove the dependency on using javascript in the build.xml files (ie: our own custom ant target written in java?)
2) use ivy to ensure we have the rhino jar in a classpath we pass to <script> tag (it appears we already do something similar for pegdown)
3) update lucene/BUILD.txt and solr/README.txt to make it clear that the rhino js.jar is a build requirement (and link to a wiki somewhere that provides tips on how to install it in ant if your JVM doesn't include it)
(Assigning to Uwe in hopes that he has some inspiration, i know he's familiar with this scripting deficiency on FreeBSD)