New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
3.1, 4.0-ALPHA
New, Patch Available
Setting up Lucene/Solr in IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse can be time-consuming.
The attached patches add a new top level directory dev-tools/ with sub-dirs idea/ and eclipse/ containing basic setup files for trunk, as well as top-level ant targets named "idea" and "eclipse" that copy these files into the proper locations. This arrangement avoids the messiness attendant to in-place project configuration files directly checked into source control.
The IDEA configuration includes modules for Lucene and Solr, each Lucene and Solr contrib, and each analysis module. A JUnit run configuration per module is included.
The Eclipse configuration includes a source entry for each source/test/resource location and classpath setup: a library entry for each jar.
For IDEA, once ant idea has been run, the only configuration that must be performed manually is configuring the project-level JDK. For Eclipse, once ant eclipse has been run, the user has to refresh the project (right-click on the project and choose Refresh).
If these patches is committed, Subversion svn:ignore properties should be added/modified to ignore the destination IDEA and Eclipse configuration locations.
Iam Jambour has written up on the Lucene wiki a detailed set of instructions for applying the 3.X branch patch for IDEA: