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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-10350

Avoid some null checking for FastTaxonomyFacetCounts#countAll()


    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 9.1, 10.0 (main)
    • None
    • None
    • New


      I find that org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.IntTaxonomyFacets#increment() is using about 2% cpu of luceneutil, this could probably be replaced with values[doc]++ since #countAll will never use hashTable.

      Two changes:

      1. No need to check liveDocs null again and again.
      2. Call values[doc]++ instead of #increment since #countAll will never use hashTable.

      Benchmark (baseline is the newest main, including LUCENE-10346)

                                  TaskQPS baseline      StdDevQPS my_modified_version      StdDev                Pct diff p-value
                                IntNRQ      128.51     (27.8%)      120.13     (27.4%)   -6.5% ( -48% -   67%) 0.455
                              PKLookup      232.55      (5.0%)      226.26      (4.2%)   -2.7% ( -11% -    6%) 0.065
                              Wildcard      178.54      (5.5%)      175.13      (5.7%)   -1.9% ( -12% -    9%) 0.283
                 BrowseMonthSSDVFacets       16.37      (6.9%)       16.13      (4.6%)   -1.5% ( -12% -   10%) 0.422
                            HighPhrase      211.52      (3.7%)      209.59      (3.3%)   -0.9% (  -7% -    6%) 0.414
                             MedPhrase      239.31      (3.2%)      237.14      (2.5%)   -0.9% (  -6% -    4%) 0.311
                      HighSloppyPhrase       33.08      (3.3%)       32.79      (3.5%)   -0.9% (  -7% -    6%) 0.407
                               Prefix3      171.63      (7.5%)      170.33      (8.3%)   -0.8% ( -15% -   16%) 0.762
                               Respell       80.21      (3.3%)       79.74      (2.7%)   -0.6% (  -6% -    5%) 0.530
                             LowPhrase       26.21      (3.6%)       26.05      (2.5%)   -0.6% (  -6% -    5%) 0.549
                       LowSloppyPhrase      165.34      (2.4%)      164.47      (2.7%)   -0.5% (  -5% -    4%) 0.516
                          OrHighNotLow     1984.04      (3.9%)     1974.07      (5.2%)   -0.5% (  -9% -    8%) 0.730
                             OrHighMed       93.69      (4.2%)       93.23      (4.1%)   -0.5% (  -8% -    8%) 0.711
                           MedSpanNear       12.19      (3.6%)       12.14      (4.0%)   -0.3% (  -7% -    7%) 0.777
                                Fuzzy2       98.86      (3.0%)       98.56      (2.6%)   -0.3% (  -5% -    5%) 0.735
                              HighTerm     2284.28      (4.3%)     2277.92      (3.4%)   -0.3% (  -7% -    7%) 0.819
             BrowseDayOfYearSSDVFacets       14.65      (4.8%)       14.61      (4.0%)   -0.3% (  -8% -    8%) 0.844
                           LowSpanNear      101.85      (1.7%)      101.58      (2.0%)   -0.3% (  -3% -    3%) 0.662
           BrowseRandomLabelSSDVFacets       11.04      (5.4%)       11.02      (7.2%)   -0.2% ( -12% -   13%) 0.902
                            OrHighHigh       39.59      (4.2%)       39.49      (4.1%)   -0.2% (  -8% -    8%) 0.859
                                Fuzzy1       84.27      (3.1%)       84.11      (2.3%)   -0.2% (  -5% -    5%) 0.826
                            AndHighMed       94.85      (5.1%)       94.77      (6.9%)   -0.1% ( -11% -   12%) 0.969
                 HighTermDayOfYearSort      179.66     (17.0%)      179.56     (12.8%)   -0.1% ( -25% -   35%) 0.991
                               LowTerm     2016.63      (3.5%)     2015.71      (3.9%)   -0.0% (  -7% -    7%) 0.969
                            AndHighLow     1011.34      (4.1%)     1011.05      (5.3%)   -0.0% (  -9% -    9%) 0.985
                  HighTermTitleBDVSort      121.48     (14.4%)      121.49     (15.9%)    0.0% ( -26% -   35%) 0.998
                               MedTerm     2239.73      (4.6%)     2245.65      (3.1%)    0.3% (  -7% -    8%) 0.830
                           AndHighHigh      102.09      (3.1%)      102.48      (5.3%)    0.4% (  -7% -    9%) 0.778
                          OrNotHighLow     1113.23      (2.3%)     1117.98      (2.4%)    0.4% (  -4% -    5%) 0.568
                          HighSpanNear        1.92      (4.7%)        1.93      (5.4%)    0.5% (  -9% -   11%) 0.738
                          OrHighNotMed     1322.20      (4.3%)     1330.58      (3.1%)    0.6% (  -6% -    8%) 0.592
               AndHighMedDayTaxoFacets       65.82      (1.8%)       66.30      (2.5%)    0.7% (  -3% -    5%) 0.295
                          OrNotHighMed     1262.49      (3.0%)     1272.12      (3.8%)    0.8% (  -5% -    7%) 0.480
                  MedTermDayTaxoFacets       52.07      (4.7%)       52.54      (6.9%)    0.9% ( -10% -   13%) 0.628
                         OrNotHighHigh      944.56      (3.7%)      953.87      (3.0%)    1.0% (  -5% -    7%) 0.352
                       MedSloppyPhrase       64.28      (5.4%)       64.92      (4.7%)    1.0% (  -8% -   11%) 0.531
                             OrHighLow      921.30      (2.8%)      930.66      (2.6%)    1.0% (  -4% -    6%) 0.232
              AndHighHighDayTaxoFacets       23.67      (3.4%)       23.93      (4.2%)    1.1% (  -6% -    9%) 0.380
                         OrHighNotHigh     1186.72      (3.3%)     1202.71      (3.6%)    1.3% (  -5% -    8%) 0.222
                     HighTermMonthSort      160.65     (14.7%)      164.05     (14.0%)    2.1% ( -23% -   36%) 0.641
                OrHighMedDayTaxoFacets       15.46      (8.0%)       15.82      (9.0%)    2.3% ( -13% -   21%) 0.393
                   LowIntervalsOrdered       67.72      (6.2%)       69.70      (7.8%)    2.9% ( -10% -   17%) 0.188
                            TermDTSort      140.38     (14.3%)      144.53     (15.1%)    3.0% ( -23% -   37%) 0.525
                   MedIntervalsOrdered       30.74      (7.2%)       31.79      (8.9%)    3.4% ( -11% -   21%) 0.186
                  HighIntervalsOrdered       23.08      (9.6%)       24.19     (11.4%)    4.8% ( -14% -   28%) 0.151
           BrowseRandomLabelTaxoFacets       12.83     (10.3%)       15.91     (56.9%)   24.0% ( -39% -  101%) 0.064
                  BrowseDateTaxoFacets       14.28     (13.0%)       18.66     (68.0%)   30.7% ( -44% -  128%) 0.047
             BrowseDayOfYearTaxoFacets       14.37     (13.1%)       18.92     (70.0%)   31.7% ( -45% -  132%) 0.047
                 BrowseMonthTaxoFacets       16.23     (12.6%)       24.57     (66.4%)   51.4% ( -24% -  149%) 0.001


      5.48%         23030         org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$EverythingEnum#nextPosition()
      4.31%         18110         org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#stretchToOrder()
      3.68%         15450         org.apache.lucene.util.packed.DirectReader$DirectPackedReader20#get()
      3.65%         15362         org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.TermSpans#nextStartPosition()
      3.23%         13569         org.apache.lucene.facet.sortedset.SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts#countOneSegment()
      2.66%         11187         org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.SpanScorer#setFreqCurrentDoc()
      2.62%         11023         org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$EverythingEnum#skipPositions()
      2.15%         9056          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#nextStartPosition()
      2.13%         8934          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90DocValuesProducer$DenseNumericDocValues#nextDoc()
      1.86%         7818          org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.IntTaxonomyFacets#increment()
      1.80%         7552          org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.FastTaxonomyFacetCounts#countAll()
      1.67%         7024          jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe#convEndian()
      1.63%         6860          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90DocValuesProducer$20#ordValue()
      1.56%         6576          org.apache.lucene.util.packed.DirectReader$DirectPackedReader4#get()
      1.54%         6461          java.nio.Buffer#checkIndex()
      1.45%         6113          org.apache.lucene.search.ConjunctionDISI#doNext()
      1.41%         5947          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90DocValuesProducer$4#longValue()
      1.33%         5590          org.apache.lucene.store.ByteBufferGuard#ensureValid()
      1.28%         5377          org.apache.lucene.queries.intervals.OrderedIntervalsSource$OrderedIntervalIterator#nextInterval()
      1.25%         5273          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#twoPhaseCurrentDocMatches()
      1.16%         4877          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$EverythingEnum#advance()
      1.16%         4868          org.apache.lucene.util.packed.DirectReader$DirectPackedReader12#get()
      1.15%         4855          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.TermSpans#endPosition()
      1.15%         4852          java.nio.Buffer#scope()
      1.15%         4838          org.apache.lucene.search.similarities.BM25Similarity$BM25Scorer#score()
      1.14%         4775          java.nio.DirectByteBuffer#ix()
      1.13%         4735          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#advancePosition()
      1.01%         4229          org.apache.lucene.store.ByteBufferGuard#getByte()
      1.00%         4223          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$BlockImpactsPostingsEnum#advance()
      0.97%         4065          jdk.internal.misc.ScopedMemoryAccess#getByteInternal()


      5.15%         21244         org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$EverythingEnum#nextPosition()
      4.85%         19998         org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.FastTaxonomyFacetCounts#countAll()
      3.78%         15561         org.apache.lucene.util.packed.DirectReader$DirectPackedReader20#get()
      3.74%         15406         org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#stretchToOrder()
      3.41%         14066         org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.TermSpans#nextStartPosition()
      3.27%         13463         org.apache.lucene.facet.sortedset.SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts#countOneSegment()
      2.88%         11859         org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$EverythingEnum#skipPositions()
      2.75%         11352         org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.SpanScorer#setFreqCurrentDoc()
      2.04%         8424          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#nextStartPosition()
      1.72%         7102          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90DocValuesProducer$20#ordValue()
      1.69%         6967          jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe#convEndian()
      1.57%         6485          org.apache.lucene.util.packed.DirectReader$DirectPackedReader4#get()
      1.43%         5878          java.nio.Buffer#checkIndex()
      1.41%         5813          org.apache.lucene.search.ConjunctionDISI#doNext()
      1.34%         5535          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$EverythingEnum#advance()
      1.28%         5269          org.apache.lucene.store.ByteBufferGuard#ensureValid()
      1.24%         5122          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90DocValuesProducer$4#longValue()
      1.21%         4992          jdk.internal.misc.ScopedMemoryAccess#getByteInternal()
      1.21%         4981          org.apache.lucene.queries.intervals.OrderedIntervalsSource$OrderedIntervalIterator#nextInterval()
      1.17%         4809          java.nio.DirectByteBuffer#ix()
      1.12%         4628          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#advancePosition()
      1.12%         4601          org.apache.lucene.search.similarities.BM25Similarity$BM25Scorer#score()
      1.11%         4585          org.apache.lucene.store.ByteBufferGuard#getByte()
      1.11%         4575          org.apache.lucene.util.packed.DirectReader$DirectPackedReader12#get()
      1.07%         4417          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.ForUtil#expand8()
      1.05%         4332          java.nio.Buffer#scope()
      1.02%         4195          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.NearSpansOrdered#twoPhaseCurrentDocMatches()
      1.01%         4150          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90DocValuesProducer$20#nextDoc()
      0.99%         4101          org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.TermSpans#endPosition()
      0.99%         4065          org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsReader$BlockImpactsPostingsEnum#advance()






            Unassigned Unassigned
            gf2121 Feng Guo
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue



              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Remaining Estimate - 0h
                Time Spent - 3h 50m
                3h 50m