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  1. Commons Lang
  2. LANG-1171

Add compare methods in StringUtils



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 3.5
    • lang.*
    • None


      Add null safe methods in StringUtils to compare 2 Strings :

      public static int compare(final String str1, final String str2);
      public static int compare(final String str1, final String str2, final boolean nullIsLess);
      public static int compareIgnoreCase(final String str1, final String str2);
      public static int compareIgnoreCase(final String str1, final String str2, final boolean nullIsLess);

      Those methods are null safe equivalent to :


      More details :

       * <p>Compare two Strings lexicographically, as per {@link String#compareTo(String)}, returning :</p>
       * <ul>
       *  <li>{@code int = 0}, if {@code str1} is equal to {@code str2} (or both {@code null})</li>
       *  <li>{@code int < 0}, if {@code str1} is less than {@code str2}</li>
       *  <li>{@code int > 0}, if {@code str1} is greater than {@code str2}</li>
       * </ul>
       * <p>This is a {@code null} safe version of :</p>
       * <blockquote><pre>str1.compareTo(str2)</pre></blockquote>
       * <p>{@code null} value is considered less than non-{@code null} value.
       * Two {@code null} references are considered equal.</p>
       * <pre>
       * StringUtils.compare(null, null)   = 0
       * StringUtils.compare(null , "a")   &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", null)    &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("abc", "abc") = 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", "b")     &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("b", "a")     &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", "B")     &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("ab", "abc")  &lt; 0
       * </pre>
       * @see #compare(String, String, boolean)
       * @see String#compareTo(String)
       * @param str1  the String to compare from
       * @param str2  the String to compare to
       * @return &lt; 0, 0, &gt; 0, if {@code str1} is respectively less, equal ou greater than {@code str2}
      public static int compare(final String str1, final String str2);
       * <p>Compare two Strings lexicographically, as per {@link String#compareTo(String)}, returning :</p>
       * <ul>
       *  <li>{@code int = 0}, if {@code str1} is equal to {@code str2} (or both {@code null})</li>
       *  <li>{@code int < 0}, if {@code str1} is less than {@code str2}</li>
       *  <li>{@code int > 0}, if {@code str1} is greater than {@code str2}</li>
       * </ul>
       * <p>This is a {@code null} safe version of :</p>
       * <blockquote><pre>str1.compareTo(str2)</pre></blockquote>
       * <p>{@code null} inputs are handled according to the {@code nullIsLess} parameter.
       * Two {@code null} references are considered equal.</p>
       * <pre>
       * StringUtils.compare(null, null, *)     = 0
       * StringUtils.compare(null , "a", true)  &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare(null , "a", false) &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", null, true)   &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", null, false)  &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("abc", "abc", *)   = 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", "b", *)       &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("b", "a", *)       &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("a", "B", *)       &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compare("ab", "abc", *)    &lt; 0
       * </pre>
       * @see String#compareTo(String)
       * @param str1  the String to compare from
       * @param str2  the String to compare to
       * @param nullIsLess  whether consider {@code null} value less than non-{@code null} value
       * @return &lt; 0, 0, &gt; 0, if {@code str1} is respectively less, equal ou greater than {@code str2}
      public static int compare(final String str1, final String str2, final boolean nullIsLess);
       * <p>Compare two Strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences,
       * as per {@link String#compareToIgnoreCase(String)}, returning :</p>
       * <ul>
       *  <li>{@code int = 0}, if {@code str1} is equal to {@code str2} (or both {@code null})</li>
       *  <li>{@code int < 0}, if {@code str1} is less than {@code str2}</li>
       *  <li>{@code int > 0}, if {@code str1} is greater than {@code str2}</li>
       * </ul>
       * <p>This is a {@code null} safe version of :</p>
       * <blockquote><pre>str1.compareToIgnoreCase(str2)</pre></blockquote>
       * <p>{@code null} value is considered less than non-{@code null} value.
       * Two {@code null} references are considered equal.
       * Comparison is case insensitive.</p>
       * <pre>
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(null, null)   = 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(null , "a")   &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", null)    &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("abc", "abc") = 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC") = 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", "b")     &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("b", "a")     &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", "B")     &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("A", "b")     &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("ab", "ABC")  &lt; 0
       * </pre>
       * @see #compareIgnoreCase(String, String, boolean)
       * @see String#compareToIgnoreCase(String)
       * @param str1  the String to compare from
       * @param str2  the String to compare to
       * @return &lt; 0, 0, &gt; 0, if {@code str1} is respectively less, equal ou greater than {@code str2},
       *          ignoring case differences.
      public static int compareIgnoreCase(final String str1, final String str2);
       * <p>Compare two Strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences,
       * as per {@link String#compareToIgnoreCase(String)}, returning :</p>
       * <ul>
       *  <li>{@code int = 0}, if {@code str1} is equal to {@code str2} (or both {@code null})</li>
       *  <li>{@code int < 0}, if {@code str1} is less than {@code str2}</li>
       *  <li>{@code int > 0}, if {@code str1} is greater than {@code str2}</li>
       * </ul>
       * <p>This is a {@code null} safe version of :</p>
       * <blockquote><pre>str1.compareToIgnoreCase(str2)</pre></blockquote>
       * <p>{@code null} inputs are handled according to the {@code nullIsLess} parameter.
       * Two {@code null} references are considered equal.
       * Comparison is case insensitive.</p>
       * <pre>
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(null, null, *)     = 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(null , "a", true)  &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(null , "a", false) &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", null, true)   &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", null, false)  &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("abc", "abc", *)   = 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC", *)   = 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", "b", *)       &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("b", "a", *)       &gt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("a", "B", *)       &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("A", "b", *)       &lt; 0
       * StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase("ab", "abc", *)    &lt; 0
       * </pre>
       * @see String#compareToIgnoreCase(String)
       * @param str1  the String to compare from
       * @param str2  the String to compare to
       * @param nullIsLess  whether consider {@code null} value less than non-{@code null} value
       * @return &lt; 0, 0, &gt; 0, if {@code str1} is respectively less, equal ou greater than {@code str2},
       *          ignoring case differences.
      public static int compareIgnoreCase(final String str1, final String str2, final boolean nullIsLess);

      See PR#110 : https://github.com/apache/commons-lang/pull/110




            rikles Loic Guibert
            rikles Loic Guibert
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