Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Microsoft Windows XP with SP2
J2SDK 1.4.2_07
When I have two authentication providers(database authentication provider and ldap authentication provider). At the first time, I login with an principal which is defined in the ldap, I can successfully login. For the second time, this user's authentication provider will change to the default database, cause J2 will create an mapping only principal in table SECURITY_PRINCIPAL. Of course, I fail to login.
I think it should not return the database authentication provider, it should return the real authentication provider.
I change the code in class:
The orginal code:
- <p>
- Returns if a Internal UserPrincipal is defined for the user name.
- </p>
- @param username The user name.
- @return true if the user is known
public boolean isKnownUser(String username) { UserPrincipal userPrincipal = new UserPrincipalImpl(username); String fullPath = userPrincipal.getFullPath(); // Get user. Criteria filter = new Criteria(); filter.addEqualTo("fullPath", fullPath); Query query = QueryFactory.newQuery(InternalUserPrincipalImpl.class, filter); return getPersistenceBrokerTemplate().getCount(query) == 1; }
Code after I modified:
- <p>
- Returns if a Internal UserPrincipal is defined for the user name.
- The Jetspeed 2 implementation does not distinguish if this user
- is a Mapping_Only user. I think we have to distinguish it cause it will
- return the wrong Authentication Provider.
- An alternative solution is: we binding the username and Authentication Provider
- for the first time login, then cache it in the memory or something,
- then we don't need to change here.
- </p>
- @param username The user name.
- @return true if the user is known
public boolean isKnownUser(String username) { UserPrincipal userPrincipal = new UserPrincipalImpl(username); String fullPath = userPrincipal.getFullPath(); // Get user. Criteria filter = new Criteria(); // fullPath must be equal. filter.addEqualTo("fullPath", fullPath); // The isMappingOnly must not be true. // We don't need the mapping only user, mapping user can't be authenticated with this provider. // we just need the true user. filter.addEqualTo("isMappingOnly", Boolean.FALSE); Query query = QueryFactory.newQuery(InternalUserPrincipalImpl.class, filter); return getPersistenceBrokerTemplate().getCount(query) == 1; }