An example:
Given an ivy.xml with 3 configurations:
<conf name="default"/>
<conf name="compile" extends="default"/>
<conf name="unittest" extends="default"/>
When I call ivy-retrieve for conf="compile", it works and produces a report file ending with '-compile.xml' in the ivy cache dir.
After that, I call ivy-retrieve for conf="compile,unittest", and it complains:
impossible to ivy retrieve: java.lang.RuntimeException: problem during retrieve of [ xxx-org | xxx-module ]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: no report file found for [ xxx-org | xxx-module ] unittest in /home/cruise/.ivy/cache: ivy was looking for /home/cruise/.ivy/cache/xxx-org-xxx-module-unittest.xml
However, if I just call ivy-retrieve for conf="default,compile,unittest" in the beginning (it results in all 3 reports in the ivy cache), after that everything works normally.
Just a note: I always delete all jars before calling ivy-retrieve.