Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
I've been trying to use Maven2 format repositories out there, and finding that Ivy breaks when it encounters POMs like this one:
which have a <parent> element specifying the groupId, but there is no groupId, but no main groupId element. This would seem to be legal, since I've encountered a number of them.
This is pretty nasty as it basically breaks the build, and there appears to be no way to get around it except possibly to put the files in some other repo without the POM.
This also points out that it should be possibly to use a repo in M2 format without automatically pickingup POM files. The M2 format is somewhat attractive as it is more hierarchical, and perhaps mroe efficient, but more important there are lots of files out there now in repos in that format (primarilly the ibiblio one), but that doesn't necessarilly imply that the user of those files wants to automatically pick up the info from the POMs.