Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Calcite RelNodes can be converted back into SQL (as the new JDBC storage handler does), which allows Hive to print out the post CBO plan as a SQL query instead of having to guess the join orders from the subsequent Tez plan.
The query generated might not be always valid SQL at this point, but is a world ahead of DAG plans in readability.
Eg. tpc-ds Query4 CTEs gets expanded to
SELECT t16.$f3 customer_preferred_cust_flag FROM (SELECT t0.c_customer_id $f0, SUM((t2.ws_ext_list_price - t2.ws_ext_wholesale_cost - t2.ws_ext_discount_amt + t2.ws_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) $f8 FROM (SELECT c_customer_sk, c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, c_preferred_cust_flag, c_birth_country, c_login, c_email_address FROM default.customer WHERE c_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND c_customer_id IS NOT NULL) t0 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT ws_sold_date_sk, ws_bill_customer_sk, ws_ext_discount_amt, ws_ext_sales_price, ws_ext_wholesale_cost, ws_ext_list_price FROM default.web_sales WHERE ws_bill_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND ws_sold_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t2 INNER JOIN (SELECT d_date_sk, CAST(2002 AS INTEGER) d_year FROM default.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2002 AND d_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t4 ON t2.ws_sold_date_sk = t4.d_date_sk) ON t0.c_customer_sk = t2.ws_bill_customer_sk GROUP BY t0.c_customer_id, t0.c_first_name, t0.c_last_name, t0.c_preferred_cust_flag, t0.c_birth_country, t0.c_login, t0.c_email_address) t7 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT t9.c_customer_id $f0, t9.c_preferred_cust_flag $f3, SUM((t11.ss_ext_list_price - t11.ss_ext_wholesale_cost - t11.ss_ext_discount_amt + t11.ss_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) $f8 FROM (SELECT c_customer_sk, c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, c_preferred_cust_flag, c_birth_country, c_login, c_email_address FROM default.customer WHERE c_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND c_customer_id IS NOT NULL) t9 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT ss_sold_date_sk, ss_customer_sk, ss_ext_discount_amt, ss_ext_sales_price, ss_ext_wholesale_cost, ss_ext_list_price FROM default.store_sales WHERE ss_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND ss_sold_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t11 INNER JOIN (SELECT d_date_sk, CAST(2002 AS INTEGER) d_year FROM default.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2002 AND d_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t13 ON t11.ss_sold_date_sk = t13.d_date_sk) ON t9.c_customer_sk = t11.ss_customer_sk GROUP BY t9.c_customer_id, t9.c_first_name, t9.c_last_name, t9.c_preferred_cust_flag, t9.c_birth_country, t9.c_login, t9.c_email_address) t16 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT t18.c_customer_id $f0, SUM((t20.cs_ext_list_price - t20.cs_ext_wholesale_cost - t20.cs_ext_discount_amt + t20.cs_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) $f8 FROM (SELECT c_customer_sk, c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, c_preferred_cust_flag, c_birth_country, c_login, c_email_address FROM default.customer WHERE c_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND c_customer_id IS NOT NULL) t18 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT cs_sold_date_sk, cs_bill_customer_sk, cs_ext_discount_amt, cs_ext_sales_price, cs_ext_wholesale_cost, cs_ext_list_price FROM default.catalog_sales WHERE cs_bill_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND cs_sold_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t20 INNER JOIN (SELECT d_date_sk, CAST(2002 AS INTEGER) d_year FROM default.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2002 AND d_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t22 ON t20.cs_sold_date_sk = t22.d_date_sk) ON t18.c_customer_sk = t20.cs_bill_customer_sk GROUP BY t18.c_customer_id, t18.c_first_name, t18.c_last_name, t18.c_preferred_cust_flag, t18.c_birth_country, t18.c_login, t18.c_email_address) t25 INNER JOIN (SELECT t27.c_customer_id $f0, SUM((t29.ss_ext_list_price - t29.ss_ext_wholesale_cost - t29.ss_ext_discount_amt + t29.ss_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) $f8 FROM (SELECT c_customer_sk, c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, c_preferred_cust_flag, c_birth_country, c_login, c_email_address FROM default.customer WHERE c_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND c_customer_id IS NOT NULL) t27 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT ss_sold_date_sk, ss_customer_sk, ss_ext_discount_amt, ss_ext_sales_price, ss_ext_wholesale_cost, ss_ext_list_price FROM default.store_sales WHERE ss_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND ss_sold_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t29 INNER JOIN (SELECT d_date_sk, CAST(2001 AS INTEGER) d_year FROM default.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2001 AND d_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t31 ON t29.ss_sold_date_sk = t31.d_date_sk) ON t27.c_customer_sk = t29.ss_customer_sk GROUP BY t27.c_customer_id, t27.c_first_name, t27.c_last_name, t27.c_preferred_cust_flag, t27.c_birth_country, t27.c_login, t27.c_email_address HAVING SUM((t29.ss_ext_list_price - t29.ss_ext_wholesale_cost - t29.ss_ext_discount_amt + t29.ss_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) > 0) t35 ON t25.$f0 = t35.$f0) ON t16.$f0 = t35.$f0 INNER JOIN (SELECT t37.c_customer_id $f0, SUM((t39.cs_ext_list_price - t39.cs_ext_wholesale_cost - t39.cs_ext_discount_amt + t39.cs_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) $f8 FROM (SELECT c_customer_sk, c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, c_preferred_cust_flag, c_birth_country, c_login, c_email_address FROM default.customer WHERE c_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND c_customer_id IS NOT NULL) t37 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT cs_sold_date_sk, cs_bill_customer_sk, cs_ext_discount_amt, cs_ext_sales_price, cs_ext_wholesale_cost, cs_ext_list_price FROM default.catalog_sales WHERE cs_bill_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND cs_sold_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t39 INNER JOIN (SELECT d_date_sk, CAST(2001 AS INTEGER) d_year FROM default.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2001 AND d_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t41 ON t39.cs_sold_date_sk = t41.d_date_sk) ON t37.c_customer_sk = t39.cs_bill_customer_sk GROUP BY t37.c_customer_id, t37.c_first_name, t37.c_last_name, t37.c_preferred_cust_flag, t37.c_birth_country, t37.c_login, t37.c_email_address HAVING SUM((t39.cs_ext_list_price - t39.cs_ext_wholesale_cost - t39.cs_ext_discount_amt + t39.cs_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) > 0) t45 ON t25.$f8 / t45.$f8 > t16.$f8 / t35.$f8 AND t35.$f0 = t45.$f0) ON t7.$f0 = t35.$f0 INNER JOIN (SELECT t47.c_customer_id $f0, SUM((t49.ws_ext_list_price - t49.ws_ext_wholesale_cost - t49.ws_ext_discount_amt + t49.ws_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) $f8 FROM (SELECT c_customer_sk, c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name, c_preferred_cust_flag, c_birth_country, c_login, c_email_address FROM default.customer WHERE c_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND c_customer_id IS NOT NULL) t47 INNER JOIN ( (SELECT ws_sold_date_sk, ws_bill_customer_sk, ws_ext_discount_amt, ws_ext_sales_price, ws_ext_wholesale_cost, ws_ext_list_price FROM default.web_sales WHERE ws_bill_customer_sk IS NOT NULL AND ws_sold_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t49 INNER JOIN (SELECT d_date_sk, CAST(2001 AS INTEGER) d_year FROM default.date_dim WHERE d_year = 2001 AND d_date_sk IS NOT NULL) t51 ON t49.ws_sold_date_sk = t51.d_date_sk) ON t47.c_customer_sk = t49.ws_bill_customer_sk GROUP BY t47.c_customer_id, t47.c_first_name, t47.c_last_name, t47.c_preferred_cust_flag, t47.c_birth_country, t47.c_login, t47.c_email_address HAVING SUM((t49.ws_ext_list_price - t49.ws_ext_wholesale_cost - t49.ws_ext_discount_amt + t49.ws_ext_sales_price) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(10, 0))) > 0) t55 ON t25.$f8 / t45.$f8 > t7.$f8 / t55.$f8 AND t35.$f0 = t55.$f0 ORDER BY t16.$f3 IS NULL DESC, t16.$f3 LIMIT 100
Issue Links
- depends upon
HIVE-18423 Support pushing computation from the optimizer for JDBC storage handler tables
- Closed
- is related to
HIVE-17503 CBO: Add "Explain CBO" to print Calcite trees
- Closed