Where we log storefile details we should also log the compression algorithm used to compress blocks on disk, if any.
For example, here's a log line out of compaction:
2018-10-02 21:59:47,594 DEBUG [regionserver/host/] compactions.Compactor: Compacting hdfs://namenode:8020/hbase/data/default/TestTable/86037c19117a46b5b8148439ea55753b/i/3d04a7c28d6343ceb773737dbb192533, keycount=3335873, bloomtype=ROW, size=107.5 M, encoding=ROW_INDEX_V1, seqNum=154199, earliestPutTs=1538516084915
Aside from bloom type, block encoding, and filename, it would be good to know compression type in this type of DEBUG or INFO level logging. A minor omission of information that could be helpful during debugging.