try (final Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
final Table scanTable = conn.getTable(table)){
ArrayList<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> rowRangesList = new ArrayList<>();
String startRowkey="abc";
String stopRowkey="abc";
rowRangesList.add(new MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange(startRowkey, true, stopRowkey, true));
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setFilter(new MultiRowRangeFilter(rowRangesList));
ResultScanner scanner=scanTable.getScanner(scan);
for (Result result : scanner)
{ String rowkey=new String(result.getRow()); System.out.println(rowkey); }
In Hbase API of Java, we want to do multiple scans in the table using MultiRowRangeFilter.
When we give multiple filters of startRowKey and stopRowKey, it is not working Properly with same StartRowKey and StopRowkey.
Ideally, it should give only one Row with that Rowkey, but instead it is giving all the rows starting from that Rowkey in that Hbase Table