Changes in job history might break the history parser which in turn might break some features like jobtracker-recovery, history-viewer etc. There should be a testcase that catches these incompatible changes early and informs about the expected change.
This patch validates job history files so that issues related to jobHistory are caught when changes to JobHistory are made.
Validates history file name, file location, parsability. Validates user log location for varoius configuration settings. Validates job status for jobs that are succeeded, failed and killed.
Validates format of history file contents and also validates contents by comparing with actual values obtained from job tracker.
Issue Links
- is blocked by
HADOOP-5282 Running tasks on lost trackers are incorrectly logging the attempt and task failures
- Closed
HADOOP-5272 JobTracker does not log TIP start information after restart
- Closed
HADOOP-5276 Upon a lost tracker, the task's start time is reset to 0
- Closed
HADOOP-5278 Finish time of a TIP is incorrectly logged to the jobhistory upon jobtracker restart
- Closed