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  1. Gump
  2. GUMP-21

FOG factor is misleading and requires improvement



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Gump2-2.3
    • Gump2-2.3
    • Python-based Gump
    • None


      FOG is defined right now as:
      def getFOGFactor(self):
      return round((float(self.successes) / (float(self.failures) + float(self.prereqs))), 2)

      This is not helpful. Last month, jakart-oro
      failed to build by coincidence around the time of a Gump
      run and the problem was fixed before the next Gump run,
      yet its FOG factor dropped in half. The responsiveness
      to resolving build and integration problems is not taken
      into account. It is likely that it is impossible for FOG
      to mean anything because the factors that determine
      a project's "health" (to borrow the term used by Adam Jack
      in an email to the commons-dev and gump lists) are largely
      orthogonal. FOG should probably be a vector and if you really
      wanted a single number you could use the length of that vector.

      One of the major problems with the current factor is that
      a project's FOG factor continues to increase when no changes
      have been made to the repository. It's not meaningful to
      count only successful builds towards improving the factor
      because no changes may have been made to the code base.
      Ideally, you count only builds that cause no failures after
      a change to the code base. FOG doesn't factor in how quickly
      (or slowly) projects recover from build failures, and how often
      changes to a code base cause failures (either in itself or in
      other projects). Right now, a project with few code changes
      (say once a month) that causes a failure 50% (1 every 2 months)
      of the time the code is changed with a mean time of failure
      correction of 1 week is deemed more reliable (higher FOG factor)
      than a project that makes frequent changes (say every day) to
      its code base and causes a failure 10% of the time (1 every 10
      days) with a mean time of failure correction of 1 day. That's
      because FOG is based almost entirely on consecutive successful
      Gump builds, which is not useful.

      Rather than propose a new meaningless way of computing FOG, I
      suggest FOG stop being used temporarily. It would be more
      useful to break out and report all of the independently useful
      metrics and through experience over time determine how each
      impacts the overall notion of FOG and eventually derive a
      way of condensing the information (perhaps a FOG factor,
      perhaps a vector) in a useful manner. Right now the state
      of affairs is that someone decided FOG was a cool thing, so
      it's being reported and people see this number and mistakenly
      think a project with half the FOG factor of another is
      less dependable and therefore avoid using it. Alternatively
      an explanation of what FOG is intended to compute and how
      it is computed should be placed on Gump reports that list
      FOG so that consumers of the information will not be misled.




            ajack Adam R. B. Jack
            dfs@apache.org Daniel Savarese
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