When running derbyall, DerbyNetClient/lang/updatableResultSet fails
the following way:
- Start: updatableResultSet jdk1.4.2_02 DerbyNetClient 2005-05-26 23:12:55 ***
Initialize for framework: DerbyNetClient
java -ms16777216 -mx33554432 -Dderby.system.home=/export/home/tmp/Derby/test/Der byNetClient/updatableResultSet
+xport/home/tmp/Derby/test/nwsvr.policy -Dcsinfo.codebase=/export/home/tmp/Derby/ trunk/jars/sane -Dcsinfo.serverhost=localhost -Dcsinfo.trustedhost=localhost org
+.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start
Attempt to shutdown framework: DerbyNetClient
310 del
< Got expected exception Cursor 'SQL_CURLH000C52' is not on a row.
> Got expected exception Cursor 'SQL_CURLH000C51' is not on a row.
317 del
Test Failed. - End: updatableResultSet jdk1.4.2_02 DerbyNetClient 2005-05-26 23:13:22 ***
- Start: updatableResultSet jdk1.4.2_02 DerbyNetClient 2005-05-26 23:12:55 ***
(Same error with 1.5 and 1.3)
I'm running with Linux 2.6.11. What I find strange, is that when I
inspect the test failures in
I see that the same test fails in the same way on all platforms,
with the exception of the test run on a Linux 2.4.19 and jdk1.4.2_08
>>>>>>>>>>>> Myrna van Lunteren wrote (2005-05-26 14:36:59):
> Without looking at the test or any recent changes, I'm giving this as my 2
> cents:
> If that cursorname is generated, and if a generated cursorname does not
> need to be identical in the same scenario on all system/jvm combinations,
> then the name should get out of the output.
> i.e. either in the test it should not print the cursor names, or, if that is
> not feasible, it should get masked by adding appropriate lines to
> Myrna