Opening this bug on behalf of Satheesh Bandaram.
Select list expansion is incorrect when there is a quoted table
name with an embedded period. Consider the following SQL:
create table "S1.T1" (id int not null primary key, d1 int);
create schema s1;
create table s1.t1 (id int not null primary key, d2 int);
select s1.t1.* from "S1.T1";
select "S1.T1".* from s1.t1;
The select statements should both throw errors, because s1.t1
and "S1.T1" are different tables. However Derby does not
throw an error. However, the following SQL does throw an error,
as it should.
select "S1.T1".id from s1.t1;
select from "S1.T1"