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  1. Cassandra
  2. CASSANDRA-9767

Allow the selection of columns together with aggregates

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Low
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.2.0, 3.0 alpha 1
    • Legacy/CQL
    • None
    • Cassandra 2.0.16
      Ubuntu 15.04


      Lets assume we have a column family as below:

      create table sample ( track_id int, user_id int, country varchar, primary key ((track_id), user_id));

      where track_id is the partition key.

      Now to aggregate the number of rows for a single track_id, we can query using CQL as below:
      select count where track_id = 1 and user_id = 1;

      But that will return only the count. If we need the other columns along with the count, we cannot query as below as it throws error:

      select count, country from sample where track_id = 1 and user_id = 1;

      Bad Request: line 1:15 mismatched input ',' expecting K_FROM.

      In this case, all rows for a given track_id and user_id will have the same value for country. So we should be able to query as above. Also in SQL, it is possible to select columns along with aggregate functions.

      Though I know that Cassandra is not analytics (unlike Hadoop and Spark), we need some basic aggregate functions like min, max, avg etc....Though performance wise it might not be efficient, but it is better done in the cassandra side (as it uses native protocol) than we getting all rows in the client and doing the basic aggregation. It cannot used just as a data store (as garbage-in garbage-out). In that context, currently CQL is pretty limited. Just for getting data out of cassandra, we will have to spark though we will not be doing much analytics on it.



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            blerer Benjamin Lerer Assign to me
            ajaygarga Ajay
            Benjamin Lerer
            Robert Stupp
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