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  1. Axis-C++
  2. AXISCPP-518

Call to method getBytes of the class HTTPTransport never returns a value different from TRANSPORT_IN_PROGRESS



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • unspecified
    • 1.5 Final
    • Transport (axis3)
    • None
    • The bug affects all platforms


      I got a bug in the http trasport library ( HTTPTransport). I wrote a simple test client to reproduce the problem (I can send the test program, if you want ).
      The problem is that the method getBytes of the class HTTPTransport never returns a value different from TRANSPORT_IN_PROGRESS. That makes the caller to loop forever.
      I tried to workaround the problem by checking the size of the ruturned buffer in the client, but that led to data truncation.
      The regression suite should be modified too. In fact you should try to use a buffer smaller than the size of the expected response from the server.
      I've already made a fix: the affected module is HTTPTransport.cpp.
      The modified code is :


      • Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
      • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      • You may obtain a copy of the License at
      • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      • limitations under the License.


      • @author Samisa Abeysinghe (sabeysinghe@virtusa.com)

      #ifdef WIN32
      #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
      #pragma warning (disable : 4101)

      #include "HTTPTransport.hpp"

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <iostream>


      • HTTPTransport constuctor
        HTTPTransport::HTTPTransport ():m_bReopenConnection (false),
        m_strHTTPProtocol ("HTTP/1.1"),
        m_strHTTPMethod ("POST"),
        m_bChunked (false),
        m_bReadPastHTTPHeaders (false),
        m_strProxyHost (""), m_uiProxyPort (0), m_bUseProxy (false),
        m_bMaintainSession (false)
        m_pcEndpointUri = NULL;
        m_pReleaseBufferCallback = 0;
        m_eProtocolType = APTHTTP1_1;
        m_strBytesToSend = "";
        m_strHeaderBytesToSend = "";
        m_iBytesLeft = 0;
        m_iContentLength = 0;
        m_pcReceived = 0;
        m_bChannelSecure = false;
        m_pNormalChannel = 0;
        m_pSecureChannel = 0;
        m_pActiveChannel = 0;
        m_pChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory();
        m_bMimeTrue = false;
        m_viCurrentHeader = m_vHTTPHeaders.begin();
        m_pszRxBuffer = new char [BUF_SIZE];
        #ifdef WIN32
        m_lChannelTimeout = 10;
        m_lChannelTimeout = 0;


      • HTTPTransport destuctor
        if( m_pcEndpointUri) { delete[] m_pcEndpointUri; }

      if( m_pChannelFactory)

      { delete m_pChannelFactory; m_pChannelFactory = 0; }

      delete [] m_pszRxBuffer;


      • HTTPTransport::setEndpointUri( EndpointURI) sets the URI for the message.
      • Everytime the endpoint changes then currently connected channel is closed
      • and a new channel connection is opened.
      • @param EndpointURI - char * to a null terminated string that holds the
      • new URI.
        void HTTPTransport::setEndpointUri( const char * pcEndpointUri) throw (HTTPTransportException)
        bool bUpdateURL = false;

      // Get the current channel URI
      if( m_pActiveChannel != NULL && m_pActiveChannel->getURL())
      // Does the new URI equal the existing channel URI?
      if( strcmp (m_pActiveChannel->getURL (), pcEndpointUri) != 0)

      { // There is a new URI. bUpdateURL = true; }


      { bUpdateURL = true; }

      // If there is a new URI, then this flag will be set. Depending on whether
      // there is an SSL implementation available, if the new URI is a secure
      // connection, a secure channel will be opened. If an SSL implementation
      // is not available and the URL requires a secure connection then an
      // exception will be thrown.
      if( bUpdateURL)
      if( m_pActiveChannel == NULL)

      { m_pActiveChannel = m_pNormalChannel; }

      m_pActiveChannel->setURL( pcEndpointUri);

      m_bReopenConnection = true;

      // Check if the new URI requires SSL (denoted by the https prefix).
      if( (m_pActiveChannel->getURLObject()).getProtocol() == URL::https)
      if( m_pSecureChannel != NULL)

      { m_pNormalChannel->close(); m_pActiveChannel = m_pSecureChannel; m_pActiveChannel->setURL( pcEndpointUri); m_bChannelSecure = true; }

      if( !m_bChannelSecure)


      // URI does not require a secure channel. Delete the existing
      // channel if it is secure and create a new unsecure
      // channel.
      if (m_bChannelSecure)
      if( m_pNormalChannel != NULL)

      { m_pSecureChannel->close(); m_pActiveChannel = m_pNormalChannel; m_pActiveChannel->setURL( pcEndpointUri); m_bChannelSecure = false; }

      if( m_bChannelSecure)



      // Need this code to set the channel timeout. If the timeout was changed
      // before the channel was created, then it may not have the correct timeout.
      // By setting it here, the channel is sure to have the correct timeout value
      // next time the channel is read.
      if( m_pActiveChannel != NULL)

      { m_pActiveChannel->setTimeout( m_lChannelTimeout); }



      • HTTPTransport::openConnection().

      int HTTPTransport::openConnection()
      return m_pActiveChannel->open();


      • HTTPTransport::closeConnection().
        void HTTPTransport::closeConnection()
        // get ready for a new message.
        m_bReadPastHTTPHeaders = false;

      //clear the message buffer in preperation of the next read.
      m_strReceived = "";

      m_iContentLength = 0;

      if( m_pActiveChannel != NULL)

      { m_pActiveChannel->close(); }



      • HTTPTransport::flushOutput() Is called when the message construction is
      • complete. The message is ready to be 'flushed out' onto the network.
      • Check if the URI has changed. If it has, then need to open a new Channel
      • instance before transmitting the message.
      • @return AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS If the method completes successfully, then
      • this will be set to TRANSPORT_FINISHED. Otherwise, an exception will have
      • been thrown.
        AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS HTTPTransport::flushOutput() throw (HTTPTransportException)
        if( m_bReopenConnection)
        m_bReopenConnection = false;

      if( m_pActiveChannel->open() != AXIS_SUCCESS)

      { int iStringLength = m_pActiveChannel->GetLastErrorMsg().length() + 1; const char * pszLastError = new char[iStringLength]; memcpy( (void *) pszLastError, m_pActiveChannel->GetLastErrorMsg().c_str(), iStringLength); throw HTTPTransportException( CLIENT_TRANSPORT_OPEN_CONNECTION_FAILED, (char *) pszLastError); }


      // In preperation for sending the message, calculate the size of the message
      // by using the string length method.
      // NB: This calculation may not necessarily be correct when dealing with SSL
      // messages as the length of the encoded message is not necessarily the
      // same as the length of the uncoded message.
      char buff[8];

      sprintf( buff, "%d", m_strBytesToSend.length ());

      this->setTransportProperty ("Content-Length", buff);

      // The header is now complete. The message header and message can now be
      // transmitted.

      { *m_pActiveChannel << this->getHTTPHeaders (); *m_pActiveChannel << this->m_strBytesToSend.c_str (); }

      catch( HTTPTransportException & e)

      { throw; }
      catch( AxisException & e)
      { throw; }


      { throw; }

      // Empty the bytes to send string.
      m_strBytesToSend = "";
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend = "";


      /* HTTPTransport::getHTTPHeaders() Called to retreive the current HTTP header

      • information block that will preceed the SOAP message.
      • @return const char* Pointer to a NULL terminated character string containing
      • the HTTP header block of information.
        const char * HTTPTransport::getHTTPHeaders()
        URL & url = m_pActiveChannel->getURLObject();
        unsigned short uiPort = url.getPort();
        char buff[8];

      m_strHeaderBytesToSend = m_strHTTPMethod + " ";
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += std::string (url.getResource ()) + " ";
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += m_strHTTPProtocol + "\r\n";
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += std::string ("Host: ") + url.getHostName ();

      sprintf (buff, "%u", uiPort);

      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += ":";
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += buff;
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += "\r\n";
      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8\r\n";

      // Set other HTTP headers
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vHTTPHeaders.size (); i++)

      { m_strHeaderBytesToSend += m_vHTTPHeaders[i].first; m_strHeaderBytesToSend += ": "; m_strHeaderBytesToSend += m_vHTTPHeaders[i].second; m_strHeaderBytesToSend += "\r\n"; }

      // Set session cookie
      if (m_bMaintainSession && (m_strSessionKey.size () > 0))

      { m_strHeaderBytesToSend += "Cookie"; m_strHeaderBytesToSend += ": "; m_strHeaderBytesToSend += m_strSessionKey; m_strHeaderBytesToSend += "\r\n"; }

      m_strHeaderBytesToSend += "\r\n";

      return m_strHeaderBytesToSend.c_str ();

      /* HTTPTransport::getHTTPMethod() Is a public method that gets the HTTP method

      • (i.e. GET or POST) that will be part of the HTTP header block.
      • @return const char* Pointer to a NULL terminated character string containing
      • the HTTP method.
        const char * HTTPTransport::getHTTPMethod()
        return m_strHTTPMethod.c_str ();

      /* HTTPTransport::setHTTPMethod( Method) Is a public method that sets the HTTP

      • method (i.e. POST or GET) that will be part of the HTTP header block.
      • @param const char* Pointer to a NULL terminated character string containing
      • the new HTTP method.
        void HTTPTransport::setHTTPMethod( const char *cpMethod)
        m_strHTTPMethod = std::string( cpMethod);

      /* HTTPTransport::sendBytes( SendBuffer, BufferId) Is a public method that

      • concatinates the new send buffer to the bytes to send string. This message
      • will only be sent when a flush buffer is received.
      • @param const char* SendBufer - Pointer to a NULL terminated character string
      • containing all or some of the transmission message.
      • @param const void* BufferId - Pointer. This parameter is ignored.
      • @return AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS Value to a status value (currently it will
      • always be TRANSPORT_IN_PROGRESS).
        AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS HTTPTransport::sendBytes( const char *pcSendBuffer, const void *pBufferId)
        m_strBytesToSend += std::string (pcSendBuffer);


      /* HTTPTransport::getBytes( ReceiveBuffer, Size) Is a public method that will

      • receive the synchronous reply to the sent message.
      • @param const char* ReceiveBuffer - Pointer to a character string that on
      • return will containing all or part of the received message.
      • @param int* Size - Pointer to an integer value that on return will contain
      • the length of the received message.
      • @return AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS Value to the status o message reception
        AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS HTTPTransport::getBytes( char *pcBuffer, int *pSize) throw (AxisException, HTTPTransportException)
        if (0 >= m_iBytesLeft)
        m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0';
        *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer;
        m_strReceived = m_pszRxBuffer;

      if( !m_bReadPastHTTPHeaders)
      unsigned int start = std::string::npos;

      if (m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos)

      { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived += m_pszRxBuffer; }

      } while( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos);

      if( m_strReceived.find ("HTTP") == std::string::npos)
      // Most probably what we read was left overs from earlier reads
      // Skip this \r\n\r\n
      m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") + 4);

      if( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos)

      { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived += m_pszRxBuffer; }

      } while( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos);
      // now this must contain HTTP. Else there is a conent error.

      //now we have found the end of headers
      m_bReadPastHTTPHeaders = true;

      unsigned int pos = 0;

      // Look for content lenght
      if( (pos = m_strReceived.find( "Content-Length: ")) != std::string::npos)

      { m_iContentLength = atoi( m_strReceived.substr( pos + strlen( "Content-Length: "), m_strReceived.find( "\n", pos)).c_str()); }

      // Check if the message is chunked
      if( (pos = m_strReceived.find( "Transfer-Encoding: chunked")) != std::string::npos)

      { m_bChunked = true; }


      { m_bChunked = false; }

      // check if there is HTTP header. If not, there must be an error and
      // will be detected by processResponseHTTPHeaders()
      // However, must make sure that the left overs from eatlier reads
      // do not appear before HTTP/1.x
      start = m_strReceived.find( "HTTP");

      if( start == std::string::npos)

      { start = 0; }

      // Extract HTTP headers and process them
      m_strResponseHTTPHeaders = m_strReceived.substr( start,
      m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") + 2 - start);

      if( m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode == 100)

      { // Samisa: We found Continue. Keep on reading and processing headers // till we get a HTTP code other than 100 // Here it is assumed that the whole of the request is already sent m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived = m_pszRxBuffer; }

      } while( m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode == 100);

      if ( m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode != 500 &&
      ( m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode < 200 || m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode >= 300 ))

      { throw HTTPTransportException( SERVER_TRANSPORT_HTTP_EXCEPTION, const_cast <char *> (m_strResponseHTTPStatusMessage.c_str())); }

      // Done with HTTP headers, get payload
      m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n", start) + 4);

      // Read past headers. Deal with payload

      // make sure we have a message with some content
      if( m_strReceived.length () == 0)

      { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived = m_pszRxBuffer; }

      if( m_strReceived.length () > 0)
      if( m_bChunked && m_iContentLength < 1) // Read first chunk
      *Chunked data looks like ->

      • Chunked-Body = *chunk
      • "0" CRLF
      • footer
      • CRLF
      • chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
      • chunk-data CRLF
      • hex-no-zero = <HEX excluding "0">
      • chunk-size = hex-no-zero *HEX
      • chunk-ext = *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-value ] )
      • chunk-ext-name = token
      • chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string
      • chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET)
      • footer = *entity-header
        // firstly read in the chunk size line.
        //There might be chunk extensions in there too but we may not need them
        unsigned int endOfChunkData = m_strReceived.find( "\r\n");

      // make sure we have read at least some part of the message
      if( endOfChunkData == std::string::npos)

      { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived = m_pszRxBuffer; endOfChunkData = m_strReceived.find( "\r\n"); }

      while( endOfChunkData == std::string::npos);

      int endOfChunkSize = endOfChunkData;

      // now get the size of the chunk from the data
      // look to see if there are any extensions - these are put in brackets so look for those
      if( m_strReceived.substr( 0, endOfChunkData).find( "(") != string::npos)

      { endOfChunkSize = m_strReceived.find( "("); }

      // convert the hex String into the length of the chunk
      m_iContentLength = axtoi( (char *) m_strReceived.substr( 0, endOfChunkSize).c_str());

      // if the chunk size is zero then we have reached the footer
      // If we have reached the footer then we can throw it away because we don't need it
      if( m_iContentLength > 0)
      // now get the chunk without the CRLF
      // check if we have read past chunk length
      if( m_strReceived.length() >= (endOfChunkData + 2 + m_iContentLength))

      { m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( endOfChunkData + 2, m_iContentLength); }

      else // we have read lesser than chunk length

      { m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( endOfChunkData + 2); }

      /* We have received part of chunk data. If received payload

      • is a mime struct, process it
        if( m_bMimeTrue) { processRootMimeBody(); }
        { m_strReceived = ""; }
        else if( m_bChunked) // read continued portions of a chunk
        // Samisa - NOTE: It looks as if there is some logic duplication
        // in this block, where we read continued chunks and the block
        // above, where we read the first chunk. However, there are slight
        // logical differences here, and that is necessary to enable the
        // pull model used by the parser - this logic makes pulling more
        // efficient (30th Sept 2004)
        if( m_strReceived.length () >= m_iContentLength) // We have reached end of current chunk
        // Get remainder of current chunk
        std::string strTemp = m_strReceived.substr( 0, m_iContentLength);

        // Start looking for the next chunk
        // The format we are expecting here is:
        // <previous chunk>\r\n<chunk size>\r\n<next chunk>

        unsigned int endOfChunkData = m_strReceived.find( "\r\n");

        // Make sure that we have the found the end of previous chunk
        while( endOfChunkData == std::string::npos)
        { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived += m_pszRxBuffer; endOfChunkData = m_strReceived.find( "\r\n"); }

        m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( endOfChunkData + 2); // Skip end of previous chunk

        endOfChunkData = m_strReceived.find( "\r\n"); // Locate the start of next chunk

        // Make sure that we have the starting line of next chunk
        while( endOfChunkData == std::string::npos)
        { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strReceived += m_pszRxBuffer; endOfChunkData = m_strReceived.find( "rn"); }

        int endOfChunkSize = endOfChunkData;

        // look to see if there are any extensions - these are put in brackets so look for those
        if (m_strReceived.substr (0, endOfChunkData).find ("(") != string::npos)
        { endOfChunkSize = m_strReceived.find ("("); }

        // convert the hex String into the length of the chunk
        int iTempContentLength = axtoi( (char *) m_strReceived.substr( 0, endOfChunkSize).c_str());

        // if the chunk size is zero then we have reached the footer
        // If we have reached the footer then we can throw it away because we don't need it
        if( iTempContentLength > 0)
        // Update the content lenght to be remainde of previous chunk and lenght of new chunk
        m_iContentLength += iTempContentLength;

        // now get the chunk without the CRLF
        // check if we have read past chunk length
        if( m_strReceived.length() >= (endOfChunkData + 2 + iTempContentLength))
        { m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( endOfChunkData + 2, iTempContentLength); }
        { m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( endOfChunkData + 2); }

        /* We have received part of chunk data. If received payload
        * is a mime struct, process it
        if( m_bMimeTrue)
        { processRootMimeBody(); }
        { m_strReceived = ""; }

        // Append the data of new chunk to data from previous chunk
        m_strReceived = strTemp + m_strReceived;

        } // End of if (m_strReceived.length() >= m_iContentLength)
        // If we have not reached end of current chunk, nothing to be done
        else // Not chunked
        //nothing to do here
        /* We have received part of chunk data. If received payload
        * is a mime struct, process it
        if( m_bMimeTrue)
        { processRootMimeBody(); }


      m_pcReceived = m_strReceived.c_str();

      if( m_pcReceived)

      { m_iBytesLeft = strlen( m_pcReceived); }


      { throw HTTPTransportException( SERVER_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_EMPTY, "Recieved null"); }

      m_iContentLength -= m_iBytesLeft;
      catch( HTTPTransportException & e)

      { throw; }

      catch( AxisException & e)

      { throw; }
      { throw; }


      if (( m_pcReceived) && (*m_pcReceived))

      { int iToCopy = (*pSize < m_iBytesLeft) ? *pSize : m_iBytesLeft; strncpy( pcBuffer, m_pcReceived, iToCopy); m_iBytesLeft -= iToCopy; m_pcReceived += iToCopy; *pSize = iToCopy; return TRANSPORT_IN_PROGRESS; }


      { m_bReadPastHTTPHeaders = false; // get ready for a new message m_strReceived = ""; //clear the message buffer in preperation of the next read return TRANSPORT_FINISHED; }


      /* HTTPTransport::setTransportProperty( Type, Value) Is an overloaded public

      • method used to set a HTTP transport or SSL implementation property.
      • @param AXIS_TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_TYPE Type is an enumerated type containing
      • the type of information to be stored in either the HTTP Header or SSL
      • implementation settings.
      • @param const char* Value is a NULL terminated character string containing
      • the value associated with the type.
        void HTTPTransport::setTransportProperty( AXIS_TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_TYPE type, const char *value) throw (HTTPTransportException)
        const char *key = NULL;

      switch (type)

      { key = "SOAPAction"; break; }

      case SERVICE_URI: // need to set ?

      { break; }

      case OPERATION_NAME: // need to set ?
      { break; }


      { key = "Content-Length"; // this Axis transport handles only HTTP break; }


      { m_pActiveChannel->setTransportProperty( type, value); break; }


      { m_pActiveChannel->setSecureProperties( value); break; }


      { m_pNormalChannel = m_pChannelFactory->LoadChannelLibrary( UnsecureChannel, value); break; }


      { m_pSecureChannel = m_pChannelFactory->LoadChannelLibrary( SecureChannel, value); break; }


      { break; }

      if( key)
      { setTransportProperty( key, value); }

      /* HTTPTransport::setTransportProperty( Key, Value) Is an overloaded public
      * method used to set a HTTP transport or SSL implementation property.
      * @param const char* Key is a NULL terminated character string containing
      * the type of information to be stored in either the HTTP Header or SSL
      * implementation settings.
      * @param const char* Value is a NULL terminated character string containing
      * the value associated with the type.
      void HTTPTransport::setTransportProperty( const char *pcKey, const char *pcValue) throw (HTTPTransportException)
      if( !pcKey || !pcValue) // Samisa - fix for AXISCPP-295. We must check for valid values here.
      { return; }

      bool b_KeyFound = false;

      if( strcmp( pcKey, "SOAPAction") == 0 || strcmp( pcKey, "Content-Length") == 0)
      std::string strKeyToFind = std::string( pcKey);

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vHTTPHeaders.size(); i++)
      if (m_vHTTPHeaders[i].first == strKeyToFind)
      { m_vHTTPHeaders[i].second = (string) pcValue; b_KeyFound = true; break; }

      if( !b_KeyFound)
      { m_vHTTPHeaders.push_back( std::make_pair( (string) pcKey, (string) pcValue)); }

      /* HTTPTransport::getTransportProperty( Type) Is a public method that will
      * return the HTTP Header/SSL implementation value associated with type.
      * @param AXIS_TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_TYPE Type is an enumerated type containing
      * the type of information to be retrieved in either the HTTP Header or SSL
      * implementation settings.
      * @return const char* Value is a NULL terminated character string containing
      * the value associated with the type.
      const char * HTTPTransport::getTransportProperty( AXIS_TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_TYPE eType) throw (HTTPTransportException)
      const char *pszPropValue = NULL;

      switch( eType)
      int iIndex = FindTransportPropertyIndex( "SOAPAction");

      if (iIndex > -1)
      { pszPropValue = m_vHTTPHeaders[iIndex].second.c_str(); }


      case SERVICE_URI:
      { break; }

      case OPERATION_NAME:

      { break; }

      int iIndex = FindTransportPropertyIndex( "Content-Length");

      if (iIndex > -1)
      { pszPropValue = m_vHTTPHeaders[iIndex].second.c_str(); }


      { pszPropValue = m_pActiveChannel->getTransportProperty( eType); break; }

      { break; }


      return pszPropValue;

      /* HTTPTransport::FindTransportPropertyIndex( Key) Is a private method that will

      • return the HTTP Header index associated with Key.
      • @param AXIS_TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_TYPE Key is an enumerated type containing
      • the type of information to be retrieved in either the HTTP Header settings.
      • @return int Index is an index to the key within the HTTP Header list. If
      • the return value is -1, then the key was not found.
        int HTTPTransport::FindTransportPropertyIndex( string sKey)
        bool bKeyFound = false;
        int iIndex = 0;

      if (!m_vHTTPHeaders[iIndex].first.compare( sKey))

      { bKeyFound = true; }


      { iIndex++; }

      } while( (unsigned int) iIndex < m_vHTTPHeaders.size() && !bKeyFound);

      if( !bKeyFound)

      { iIndex = -1; }

      return iIndex;

      /* HTTPTransport::getServiceName() Is a public method to return the HTTP

      • Header service name.
      • @return const char* Value is a NULL terminated character string containing
      • the value associated with the service name.
        const char * HTTPTransport::getServiceName()
        //Assume SOAPAction header to contain service name
        int iIndex = FindTransportPropertyIndex( "SOAPAction");

      if (iIndex > -1)

      { return m_vHTTPHeaders[iIndex].second.c_str(); }

      return NULL;

      AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE HTTPTransport::getProtocol()
      return m_eProtocolType;

      int HTTPTransport::setProtocol( AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE eProtocol)
      if (eProtocol == APTHTTP1_1 || eProtocol == APTHTTP1_0)

      { m_eProtocolType = eProtocol; m_strHTTPProtocol = (m_eProtocolType == APTHTTP1_1) ? "HTTP/1.1" : "HTTP/1.0"; return AXIS_SUCCESS; }


      { return AXIS_FAIL; }



      • HTTPTransport::getSubProtocol() is a public method that is supposed to
      • return the sub protocol (currently this method always return 0).
      • This method is supposed to return whether it is http GET or POST
        int HTTPTransport::getSubProtocol()
        // for SimpleAxisServer assume POST
        return AXIS_HTTP_POST;
        //return 0;

      /* HTTPTransport::setProxy( Host, Port) Is a public method for setting or

      • updating the proxy for the connection.
      • @param const char* Host is a NULL terminated character string containing the new
      • proxy host.
      • @param unsigned int Port is the new proxy port number.
        void HTTPTransport::setProxy( const char *pcProxyHost, unsigned int uiProxyPort)
        m_strProxyHost = pcProxyHost;
        m_uiProxyPort = uiProxyPort;
        m_bUseProxy = true;

      /* HTTPTransport::setTimeout( Timeout) Is a public method for setting the

      • current maximum timeout period between that can elapse between receiving
      • message parts.
      • @param const long Timeout is a long value in seconds.
        void HTTPTransport::setTimeout( const long lSeconds)
        if( m_pActiveChannel != NULL) { m_pActiveChannel->setTimeout( lSeconds); }

      m_lChannelTimeout = lSeconds;

      /* HTTPTransport::getHTTPProtocol() Is a public method for retrieving the

      • current HTTP protocol settings.
      • @return const char* HTTPProtocol is a NULL terminated character string
      • containing the HTTP protocol.
        const char * HTTPTransport::getHTTPProtocol()
        return m_strHTTPProtocol.c_str ();

      /* axtoi( Hex) Is a private method to convert an ascii hex string to an integer.
      int axtoi( char *pcHexStg)
      int iN = 0; // position in string
      int iM = 0; // position in digit[] to shift
      int iCount; // loop index
      int intValue = 0; // integer value of hex string
      int iDigit[32]; // hold values to convert

      while( iN < 32)
      if( pcHexStg[iN] == '\0')

      { break; }

      if( pcHexStg[iN] > 0x29 && pcHexStg[iN] < 0x40) //if 0 to 9
      { iDigit[iN] = pcHexStg[iN] & 0x0f; //convert to int }
      else if (pcHexStg[iN] >= 'a' && pcHexStg[iN] <= 'f') //if a to f
      { iDigit[iN] = (pcHexStg[iN] & 0x0f) + 9; //convert to int }
      else if (pcHexStg[iN] >= 'A' && pcHexStg[iN] <= 'F') //if A to F
      { iDigit[iN] = (pcHexStg[iN] & 0x0f) + 9; //convert to int }
      { break; }


      iCount = iN;
      iM = iN - 1;
      iN = 0;

      while( iN < iCount)

      { // digit[n] is value of hex digit at position n // (m << 2) is the number of positions to shift // OR the bits into return value intValue = intValue | (iDigit[iN] << (iM << 2)); iM--; // adjust the position to set iN++; // next digit to process }

      return intValue;

      /* HTTPTransport::processResponseHTTPHeaders() Is a public method used to

      • parse the HTTP header of the response message.
        void HTTPTransport::processResponseHTTPHeaders() throw (HTTPTransportException)
        unsigned int iPosition = std::string::npos;
        unsigned int iStartPosition = iPosition;

      if( (iPosition = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.find( "HTTP")) != std::string::npos)
      m_strResponseHTTPProtocol = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr( iPosition, strlen( "HTTP/1.x"));
      iPosition += strlen( "HTTP/1.x");

      while( m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr()[iPosition] == ' ')

      { iPosition++; }

      iStartPosition = iPosition;

      while( m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr()[iPosition] != ' ')
      { iPosition++; }

      std::string strResponseHTTPStatusCode = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr( iStartPosition,
      iPosition - iStartPosition);
      m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode = atoi( strResponseHTTPStatusCode.c_str());

      iStartPosition = ++iPosition;
      iPosition = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.find( "\n");
      m_strResponseHTTPStatusMessage = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr( iStartPosition,
      iPosition - iStartPosition - 1);

      // reached the end of the first line
      iStartPosition = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.find( "\n");


      // read header fields and add to vector
      m_strResponseHTTPHeaders = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr( iStartPosition);
      iPosition = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.find( "\n");

      if( iPosition == std::string::npos)

      { break; }

      std::string strHeaderLine = m_strResponseHTTPHeaders.substr( 0, iPosition);
      unsigned int iSeperator = strHeaderLine.find(":");

      if( iSeperator == std::string::npos)
      { break; }

      iStartPosition = iPosition + 1;

      string key = strHeaderLine.substr( 0, iSeperator);
      string value = strHeaderLine.substr( iSeperator + 1,
      strHeaderLine.length () - iSeperator - 1 - 1);

      m_vResponseHTTPHeaders.push_back( std::make_pair( key, value));

      // if HTTP/1.0 we have to always close the connection by default
      if( m_eProtocolType == APTHTTP1_0)

      { m_bReopenConnection = true; }

      // if HTTP/1.1 we have to assume persistant connection by default

      // We need to close the connection and open a new one if we have 'Connection: close'
      if( key == "Connection" && value == " close")
      { m_bReopenConnection = true; }

      // For both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1,
      // We need to keep the connection if we have 'Connection: Keep-Alive'
      if( key == "Connection" && value == " Keep-Alive")

      { m_bReopenConnection = false; }

      // Look for cookies
      if( m_bMaintainSession && !(m_strSessionKey.size() > 0))
      if( key == "Set-Cookie")
      m_strSessionKey = value;

      // Spec syntax : Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE; path=PATH; domain=DOMAIN_NAME; secure
      // This code assumes it to be : Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; Anything_else
      // And discards stuff after first ';'
      // This is the same assumption used in Axis Java
      unsigned long ulKeyEndsAt = m_strSessionKey.find( ";");

      if( ulKeyEndsAt != std::string::npos)

      { m_strSessionKey = m_strSessionKey.substr( 0, ulKeyEndsAt); }


      /* If Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=<MIME_boundary>; type=text/xml;
      start="<content id>" */
      if( key == "Content-Type")
      m_strContentType = value;

      unsigned long ulMimePos = m_strContentType.find( ";");
      std::string strTypePart;

      if( ulMimePos != std::string::npos)

      { strTypePart = m_strContentType.substr( 1, ulMimePos - 1); }

      if( "Multipart/Related" == strTypePart)

      { m_bMimeTrue = true; m_strContentType = m_strContentType.substr( ulMimePos + 1, m_strContentType.length()); ulMimePos = m_strContentType.find( "boundary="); m_strMimeBoundary = m_strContentType.substr( ulMimePos); ulMimePos = m_strMimeBoundary.find( ";"); m_strMimeBoundary = m_strMimeBoundary.substr( 9, ulMimePos - 9); ulMimePos = m_strContentType.find( "type="); m_strMimeType = m_strContentType.substr( ulMimePos); ulMimePos = m_strMimeType.find( ";"); m_strMimeType = m_strMimeType.substr( 5, ulMimePos - 5); ulMimePos = m_strContentType.find( "start="); m_strMimeStart = m_strContentType.substr( ulMimePos); ulMimePos = m_strMimeStart.find( ";"); m_strMimeStart = m_strMimeStart.substr( 6, ulMimePos - 6); }

      } while( iPosition != std::string::npos);

      { throw HTTPTransportException( SERVER_TRANSPORT_UNKNOWN_HTTP_RESPONSE, "Protocol is not HTTP."); }


      /* HTTPTransport::processRootMimeBody() Is a public method used to

      • parse the mime attachments.
        void HTTPTransport::processRootMimeBody()
        if( false == m_bReadPastRootMimeHeader)
        Unknown macro: { if( m_strReceived.find( "rnrn") == std}

        while( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos);

      //now we have found the end of root mime header
      m_bReadPastRootMimeHeader = true;

      //processMimeHeader(); For the time being we don't process this
      // Done with root mime body headers, get rest of the payload
      // which contain the soap message
      m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( m_strReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") + 4);

      unsigned int intMimeTemp = m_strReceived.find( m_strMimeBoundary);

      if (intMimeTemp != std::string::npos)

      { m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( 0, intMimeTemp); m_strMimeReceived = m_strReceived.substr( intMimeTemp); /* Using m_strMimeReceived will be * continued when getAttachment is called. */ m_bMimeTrue = false; }
      unsigned int intMimeTemp = m_strReceived.find( m_strMimeBoundary);

      if( intMimeTemp != std::string::npos)
      { m_strReceived = m_strReceived.substr( 0, intMimeTemp); m_strMimeReceived = m_strReceived.substr( intMimeTemp); /* Using m_strMimeReceived will be * continued when getAttachment is called. */ m_bMimeTrue = false; }


      /* HTTPTransport::processMimeHeaders() Is a public method used to

      • parse the Mime headers of the response message.
        void HTTPTransport::processMimeHeader()
        unsigned int pos = 0;
        unsigned int temppos = 0;

      // Look for content lenght
      if( (pos = m_strMimeReceived.find( "Content-Type: ")) != std::string::npos)
      m_strMimeContentType = m_strMimeReceived.substr( pos + strlen( "Content-Type: "),
      m_strMimeReceived.find( "\n", pos));
      pos = m_strMimeContentType.find( ";");
      temppos = m_strMimeContentType.find( "\r\n");

      if( pos < temppos)

      { m_strMimeContentType = m_strMimeContentType.substr( 0, pos); }


      { m_strMimeContentType = m_strMimeContentType.substr( 0, temppos); }


      // Look for mime root body's content transfer encoding
      if( (pos = m_strMimeReceived.find( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ")) != std::string::npos)

      { m_strMimeContentTransferEncoding = m_strMimeReceived.substr( pos + strlen( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: "), m_strMimeReceived.find( "\n", pos)); temppos = m_strMimeContentTransferEncoding.find( "\r\n"); m_strMimeContentTransferEncoding = m_strMimeContentTransferEncoding.substr( 0, temppos); }

      // Look for mime root body's content id
      if( (pos = m_strMimeReceived.find( "Content-ID: ")) != std::string::npos)

      { m_strMimeContentID = m_strMimeReceived.substr( pos + strlen( "Content-ID: "), m_strMimeReceived.find( "\n", pos)); temppos = m_strMimeContentID.find( "\r\n"); m_strMimeContentID = m_strMimeContentID.substr( 0, temppos); }

      // Look for mime root body's content location
      if( (pos = m_strMimeReceived.find( "Content-Location: ")) != std::string::npos)

      { m_strMimeContentLocation = atoi( m_strMimeReceived.substr( pos + strlen( "Content-Location: "), m_strMimeReceived.find( "\n", pos)).c_str()); temppos = m_strMimeContentLocation.find( "\r\n"); m_strMimeContentLocation = m_strMimeContentLocation.substr( 0, temppos); }


      void HTTPTransport::processMimeBody ()

      void HTTPTransport::getAttachment( char * pStrAttachment, int * pIntSize, int intAttachmentId)
      m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0';
      *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer;
      m_strMimeReceived += m_pszRxBuffer;

      if( m_strMimeReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos)

      { m_pszRxBuffer [0] = '\0'; *m_pActiveChannel >> m_pszRxBuffer; m_strMimeReceived += m_pszRxBuffer; }

      } while( m_strMimeReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n") == std::string::npos);

      //now we have found the end of next mime header

      m_strMimeReceived = m_strMimeReceived.substr( m_strMimeReceived.find( "\r\n\r\n"));

      void HTTPTransport::setSocket( unsigned int uiNewSocket)
      m_pActiveChannel->setSocket( uiNewSocket);

      const char * HTTPTransport::getTransportProperty( const char * pcKey) throw (HTTPTransportException)
      std::string strKeyToFind = std::string( pcKey);

      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vResponseHTTPHeaders.size(); i++)
      if( m_vResponseHTTPHeaders[i].first == strKeyToFind)

      { return ((string) m_vResponseHTTPHeaders[i].second).c_str(); }


      return NULL;

      const char * HTTPTransport::getFirstTransportPropertyKey()
      m_viCurrentHeader = m_vHTTPHeaders.begin ();

      if( m_viCurrentHeader == m_vHTTPHeaders.end())

      { return NULL; }
      { return (*m_viCurrentHeader).first.c_str(); }

      const char * HTTPTransport::getNextTransportPropertyKey()
      //already at the end?
      if( m_viCurrentHeader == m_vHTTPHeaders.end())
      { return NULL; }


      if( m_viCurrentHeader == m_vHTTPHeaders.end())

      { return NULL; }
      { return (*m_viCurrentHeader).first.c_str(); }

      const char * HTTPTransport::getCurrentTransportPropertyKey()
      if( m_viCurrentHeader == m_vHTTPHeaders.end())
      { return NULL; }


      { return (*m_viCurrentHeader).first.c_str(); }


      const char * HTTPTransport::getCurrentTransportPropertyValue()
      if( m_viCurrentHeader == m_vHTTPHeaders.end())

      { return NULL; }


      { return (*m_viCurrentHeader).second.c_str(); }


      void HTTPTransport::deleteCurrentTransportProperty()
      if( m_viCurrentHeader != m_vHTTPHeaders.end())

      { m_vHTTPHeaders.erase( m_viCurrentHeader); }


      void HTTPTransport::deleteTransportProperty (char *pcKey, unsigned int uiOccurance)
      vector < std::pair < std::string,
      std::string > >::iterator currentHeader = m_vHTTPHeaders.begin();
      unsigned int uiCount = 1;

      while( currentHeader != m_vHTTPHeaders.end() && uiCount <= uiOccurance)
      if( strcmp( pcKey, (*currentHeader).first.c_str()) == 0)
      if( uiCount == uiOccurance)

      { m_vHTTPHeaders.erase( currentHeader); break; }



      void HTTPTransport::setMaintainSession( bool bSession)
      m_bMaintainSession = bSession;

      void HTTPTransport::setSessionId( const char * pcSessionId)
      m_strSessionKey = std::string (pcSessionId);

      const char * HTTPTransport::getSessionId()
      return m_strSessionKey.c_str();


        1. HTTPTransport.cpp
          42 kB
          Arcangelo Di Balsamo
        2. HTTPTransportcpp diff.txt
          5 kB
          Chinthana Dinapala
        3. HTTPTrasportTestClient.zip
          703 kB
          Arcangelo Di Balsamo



            samisa Don Samisa Abeysinghe
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