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  1. Thrift
  2. THRIFT-1094

bug in TCompactProto python readMessageEnd method and updated test cases

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    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.6
    • 0.7
    • Python - Library
    • None
    • Patch Available


      The python implementation of TCompactProtocol has a bug in readMessageEnd, an assert on its internal state being READ_VALUE when it's actually CLEAR. I am including a patch that is 2 lines of library code change to TCompactProtocol.py, and a few dozen lines of ./test/py/ code changes.

      Changes in this patch:

      • fixed the readMessageEnd bug (2 lines)
      • added TCompactProto to the list of target protocols for the test suite
      • added a new --proto cmdline option to TestServer.py/TestClient.py to permit one of [accel, binary, compact]
      • changed RunTests.py so it has a nested loop, trying each protocol with each server type
      • added more client/server test methods for the ThriftTest service's: testNest(), testMap(), testSet(), testList(), testEnum(), testTypedef(), testMapMap(), testMulti()
      • fixed a bug in testOneWay() that was being passed a float instead of an int
      • added new TProcessPool class to list of servers and imports
        • added extra code to shut down the individual process pool workers, to avoid leaving the server listen socket bound
      • added optional --port option to RunTests.py and TestServer.py so the port can be changed for both server & client from the RunTests.py cmdline
      • added optional argument to RunTests.py to run just a single server type, i.e. ./RunTests.py --port=9092 THttpServer
      • RunTests.py now prints out the exact cmdlines it executes for both server and client, to be more explicit
      • RunTests.py checks to make sure the server process didn't fail (via serverproc.poll() & serverproc.returncode test) which was a 'fixme' note in the code

      It takes a bit longer now for RunTests.py to execute, since it's testing 21 combinations of 3 protocols and 7 server type (with 3.5 extra seconds of shutdown time for the TProcessPool server type). It's ~35 seconds now to run the whole suite, but gives more thorough code coverage for the tests.



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            willp Will Pierce
            willp Will Pierce
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