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  1. Apache MXNet (Retired)
  2. MXNET-1254

Attach to tensor variables a member `F` that points to ndarray or symbol

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    • New Feature
    • Status: To Do
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Gluon
    • None


      This is a suggestion for a small usability improvement in the gluon API. The proposal is to include a member `F` with each tensor variable that points to mxnet `ndarray` or `symbol` module, depending on whether the variable is an NDArray or a Symbol. So for instance

      x = mx.nd.zeros(10)
      x.F  # this is mx.ndarray

      While this is only a small change, it simplifies the API for functions and classes that do not contain learnable parameters. Such functions then don't need an explicit F parameter in the API and don't need to be wrapped in HybridBlocks.

      As an example one could implement a Gaussian distribution like this:

      class Gaussian:
          def __init__(self, mu, sigma):
              self.mu = mu
              self.sigma = sigma
              self.F = mu.F
          def sample(self):
              return self.F.sample_normal(mu=self.mu, sigma=self.sigma)
          def log_prob(self, x):
              return -0.5 * F.square(((x - self.mu) / self.sigma)) - F.log(self.sigma) - 0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi)

      which gives a clean API that works for both symbols and ndarrays

      distr = Gaussian(mx.nd.zeros(10), mx.nd.ones(10))
      s = distr.sample()
      lp = distr.log_prob(s)


      While one can currently shim this by using a function

      def get_F(var):
          if isinstance(var, mx.nd.NDArray):
              return mx.nd
              return mx.sym

      it makes sense to have a standard mechanism for this.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            flunkert Valentin Flunkert




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