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  1. Directory ApacheDS
  2. DIRSERVER-2289

Paging support to retrieve all the entries available in ApacheDS between different client and LDAP server connections

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    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Not A Problem
    • 2.0.0.AM25
    • 2.0.0.AM26
    • None
    • None
    • Windows Server 2012R2


      We have ApacheDS 2.0.0 version installed on operating system Windows Server 2012R2. We have use case where the client should retrieve all the entries available in LDAP server. The entries can be of any size like millions. We are using LDAPJS node module paging (http://ldapjs.org/client.html#paging) to retrieve the entries with each page size has 100. As per our observation the pagination is working within the same connection from client to LDAP server with the Buffer returned from previous paged results using PageResultControl but the same Buffer is failing when the connection is different/new and giving "error: Invalid cookie for this PagedSearch request" error. 
      We don't have any issue for pagination if we have single client application running and communicating with LDAP server. In our case we are following micro-service architecture and our client application will run in multiple instances and user next page request may goes to new instance with the Buffer captured from previous results which results failure with invalid cookie error. 
      We have below two questions:
      1. Is there any way to handle the pagination with multiple connections to server with the Buffer string provided from previous page results?
      2. How the LDAP server is identifying the connections? This is considering we are facing invalid cookie issue for the same client server communication with the captured cookie.
      Thanks in advance. 



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