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- IMPALA-4423
Wrong results with several conjunctive EXISTS subqueries that can be evaluated at query-compile time. - IMPALA-4363
SELECTing invalid timestamp value from Parquet file crashes impalad - IMPALA-4336
Wrong results with nested union operands due to missing casts. - IMPALA-4303
Incorrect change from UNION ALL to UNION DISTINCT after subquery rewriting. - IMPALA-4180
Crash: impala::DiskIoRequestContext::Cancel - IMPALA-4170
Incorrect double quoting of identifier in SQL generated by COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS. - IMPALA-4120
Incorrect results with LEAD() analytic function - IMPALA-4237
Incorrect results when materializing a decimal in a data source scan node. - IMPALA-3178
DROP DATABASE ... CASCADE is broken in Kudu - IMPALA-3726
Handle nullability and column encodings and compression for columns - IMPALA-3724
Support Kudu non-covering range partitions - IMPALA-3719
Simplify CREATE table statements with Kudu tables - IMPALA-3710
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE should ignore conflicts by default - IMPALA-3388
Kudu should not throw table loading exceptions for fixable errors - IMPALA-3874
Predicates are not always pushed to Kudu - IMPALA-3552
Make incremental stats max serialized size configurable or dramatically increase limit. - IMPALA-4662
with Kudu tables, ClassCastException with NULL literal in IN list - IMPALA-4527
Columns in Kudu tables created from Impala default to "NOT NULL" - IMPALA-4509
Impala should provide SASL a mutex - IMPALA-4397
Codegen for compute stats query on 1K column table takes 4 minutes - IMPALA-4379
Fix Kudu table type checking - IMPALA-4262
LZO-scanner fails when reading large index files from S3 - IMPALA-4076
Table with missing stats causes exception in RuntimeFilterGenerator.generateRuntimeFilters(RuntimeFilterGenerator.java:412) - IMPALA-4038
RPC delays for single query can lead to ImpalaServer not making progress on any queries - IMPALA-4037
ChildQuery::Cancel() appears to violate lock ordering - IMPALA-3662
Reduce parquet scanner memory usage - IMPALA-4026
Investigate regression introduced by "IMPALA-3629: Codegen TransferScratchTuples" - IMPALA-3126
Incorrect assignment of an inner join On-clause predicate through an outer join. - IMPALA-3125
Incorrect assignment of outer join On-clause that only references one side of the join. - IMPALA-3167
Incorrect assignment of WHERE clause predicate through a grouping aggregation + outer join. - IMPALA-3713
CRUD operations against Kudu tables should report the number of modified rows - IMPALA-4260
Alter table add column drops all the column stats - IMPALA-4357
Fix DROP TABLE to pass analysis if the table fails to load - IMPALA-1702
"invalidate metadata" can cause duplicate TableIds - IMPALA-4421
Rogue variable expansion creates "${RESULTS_DIR" directory inside tests/, which confuses run_tests.py - IMPALA-4594
WriteSlot and CodegenWriteSlot handle escaped NULL slots differently - IMPALA-4587
RowsProduced showing always 0 for Coordinator in profile - IMPALA-4374
Change the stress test DDL statements for TPC-H and TPC-DS to using the new syntax for CREATE TABLE for Kudu - IMPALA-4302
In-predicate filters do not scale as expected with # of elements constant IN-list - IMPALA-4392
Add HdfsTableSink memory consumption to the query profile - IMPALA-4390
Syntax for ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION is not complete - IMPALA-4196
Certain builtin functions throw symbol does not exist error when used inside aggregate function - IMPALA-4254
impala-kudu unable to open lzo compressed tables - IMPALA-4153
count(*) is not working properly on all blank('') columns in RCFile stored tables - IMPALA-4102
Remote Kudu reads should be reported - IMPALA-4056
toSql() of DistributeParam doesn't work as expected - IMPALA-4042
count(distinct NULL) fails on a view - IMPALA-4016
Avoid materializing slots only referenced by Kudu conjuncts - IMPALA-3638
Remove lazy creation of LLVM codegen module - IMPALA-3314
Altering table partition's storage format is not working and crashing the daemon
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]