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- TOMEE-123
Eliminate webapp lib scanning from known libs - TOMEE-122
WebService subcontext mapping adjustable with tomee.jaxws.subcontext property - TOMEE-121
WebServices mapped into /<webappcontext>/webservices/<name> - TOMEE-120
Fixed issue preventing serveral Web Service applications from being deployed simultaneously - TOMEE-119
Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.5.1 - TOMEE-118
Upgrade CXF to 2.5.1 - TOMEE-117
Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 1.1.3 - TOMEE-116
Upgrade Commons Pool to 1.5.7 - TOMEE-115
Issue in OWB preventing CDI Extensions from adding Interceptors to EJBs - TOMEE-114
Upgrade Commons Discovery to 0.5 - TOMEE-113
Upgrade Commons Fileupload to 1.2.2 - TOMEE-112
Upgrade wss4j to 1.6.3 - TOMEE-111
Avoid overriting files in Tomcat installer if already installed - TOMEE-110
Fixed Tomcat issue with JSF code/prelude ordering - TOMEE-109
Upgrade to XBean 3.9 - TOMEE-108
Smarter default of Log4j, Slf4j and JULI logging implementation selection - TOMEE-107
Reduced logging of harmless "Could not install our singleton service" message - TOMEE-106
Better handling of DataSource "maxWait" property, supports ints - TOMEE-105
fixing contextroot in TomcatWebAppBuilder for windows - TOMEE-104
Allow custom JAX-RS providers to be used - TOMEE-103
Further reduction of possible LinkageError in log files - TOMEE-102
Cleaned up error handling of closed jars at shutdown - TOMEE-101
Example: CDI Events and @Observes - TOMEE-100
Trim internal objects from logging - TOMEE-99
Example: CDI @Alternative and @Stereotype - TOMEE-98
Possible name conflict with internal "Comp" bean - TOMEE-97
Beginning documentation for Meta-Annotation support - TOMEE-96
All-in-one TomEE Embedded jar - TOMEE-95
Command line 'java -jar tomee-embedded.jar myAwesome.war' launching - TOMEE-94
context.xml ignored in internally created Tomcat StandardContexts - TOMEE-93
Ensure JAX-RS @HeaderParam matching is case insensitive - TOMEE-91
Improved error handling and resolving of REST @Path URLs - TOMEE-90
Fixed REST Service undeployment issue - TOMEE-89
Fixed lifecycle issue in CDI BeforeBeanDiscovery - TOMEE-88
Possible EL related issue prevents startup - TOMEE-87
Expanded scope of Global JNDI - TOMEE-86
Implementation of EJBContainer.createEJBContainer for TomEE Embedded - TOMEE-85
Fixed issues with rootUrl in persistence units of webapps - TOMEE-84
TomEE Embedded Container - TOMEE-83
Improved ability to imply type of <env-entry> - TOMEE-82
SQLLoginModule support for HSQLDB 2.x - TOMEE-81
Upgrade HSQLDB to 2.2.4 - TOMEE-80
Avoid hibernate HHH015010 at startup - TOMEE-79
Fixed "no root logger" warning - TOMEE-78
Issue finding openejb.war in Tomcat - TOMEE-77
Ignore REST Applications without default constructor - TOMEE-76
Avoid NullPointerException in no-web.xml applications - TOMEE-75
Resolve default persistence provider before Assembly - TOMEE-74
Fixed serialization issue with ValidationFactory references - TOMEE-73
Example: JAX-RS example with Application
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