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After changing maven repository in pom.xml, test fails by cmd "mvn clear verify" - SYSTEMDS-2514
Hadoop gives java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError - SYSTEMDS-2488
Function output binding via multi-assignment fails on validate - SYSTEMDS-2487
Native Dnn operations crashing in over-provisioned parfor - SYSTEMDS-2485
Parfor optimizer failing due to non-existing parent vars - SYSTEMDS-2484
AutoEncoder codegen failing w/ enabled rewrites - SYSTEMDS-2483
Failing matrix market to binary reblock with zero rows/columns - SYSTEMDS-2482
Unexpected cleanup of list object - SYSTEMDS-2481
Missing cleanup of matrices/frames in list objects - SYSTEMDS-2480
Too aggressive reuse of vectors in codegen row templates - SYSTEMDS-2477
NPE when copying list object - SYSTEMDS-2475
Leftindexing of matrices into lists fails - SYSTEMDS-2473
Side effect between IPA inlining/dead code and rewrites - SYSTEMDS-2471
Add java doc - SYSTEMDS-2469
Large distributed paramserv overheads - SYSTEMDS-2467
Wrong IPA size propagation w/ permuted named function arguments - SYSTEMDS-2466
Distributed paramserv fails on newer Spark version > 2.1 - SYSTEMDS-2463
Function calls with named function arguments - SYSTEMDS-2462
Failing inplace binary sparse operations w/ CSR lhs - SYSTEMDS-2461
Utililty for determining exact output nnz w/o matrix product - SYSTEMDS-2459
Robustness and performance ultra-sparse self matrix products - SYSTEMDS-2458
Add experiment on spark paramserv - SYSTEMDS-2457
Error handling and add statistics for spark backend - SYSTEMDS-2456
Wrong size propagation matrix cast of lists - SYSTEMDS-2455
Wrong size propagation during validate of list indexing - SYSTEMDS-2454
Incorrect codegen plan for binary outer operations - SYSTEMDS-2453
Perftest: Univariate stats 10Mx1K slow w/ codegen remote DPESP - SYSTEMDS-2452
Perftest: Univariate stats 10Mx1K slow w/ codegen (local plan) - SYSTEMDS-2450
Perftest: Univariate 10Mx1K slow (wrong plan) - SYSTEMDS-2449
Perftest: univariate/bivariate stats cp memory estimate warnings - SYSTEMDS-2448
Outer comparison w/ vector > 16 gives incorrect results - SYSTEMDS-2446
Paramserv adagrad ASP batch disjoint_continuous failing - SYSTEMDS-2444
Perftest: Kmeans predict 10Mx1K dense slow - SYSTEMDS-2443
Add experiments varied on optimizers - SYSTEMDS-2442
Compiler and runtime integration mm file properties - SYSTEMDS-2441
Incorrect spark matrix market reblock to binary - SYSTEMDS-2440
Got zero when casting an element of list - SYSTEMDS-2439
Codegen optimizer failing for MLogreg special cases - SYSTEMDS-2438
Slow column group partitioning on matrix compression w/ many columns - SYSTEMDS-2436
Tests for all common mm file types - SYSTEMDS-2434
Support for all mm field types local/distributed - SYSTEMDS-2431
Codegen failing on three-way multi-aggregate - SYSTEMDS-2430
Support rowMeans in codegen row templates - SYSTEMDS-2429
IPA function inlining and dead code elimination side effect - SYSTEMDS-2428
IPA fails for function calls that bind subset of outputs - SYSTEMDS-2427
Incorrect nnz after rand of large dense block - SYSTEMDS-2426
CP tsmm crashing on matrix >16GB - SYSTEMDS-2425
Failures on meta data mismatch w/ csv read dimensions - SYSTEMDS-2424
Determine the level of par - SYSTEMDS-2423
Implementation of spark ps
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